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wedding reception details


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<p>I have been asked to shoot a wedding reception, but not the guests and the party itself. The couple already has a wedding photographer but that photographer will not be able to make it to the reception before the guests because she will be shooting the family, bride and groom portraits. So they want me to photograph the details of all the displays and beautiful items in the reception before anyone gets there. Any idea on what I should charge? </p>
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<p>I would be at the reception hall before any one got there and photograph the cake, center pieces etc. before the guests arrive. So it would only be 30 minutes and I would give them a disc of the images. I am a professional photographer with a degree. </p>
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<p>It sounds like you're working for the reception hall? I would say charge them $200-300 and give them the disc. Is this something that may be ongoing? If so, you may want to price it on the lower end. Also, for example, if you photograph the cake from several different angles, provide them with one of each, but don't give them multiple files of identical shots that they need to sort through. Give them the impression that you're confident in what you're providing. More isn't better. Good luck....-Aimee</p>
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<p>Aimee - I think emily is shooting the details for the couple..<br>

Emily - if you are a pro - do you have an hourly rate?<br>

I'd charge for an hour... Say you have a minimum rate.<br>

Personally, I wouldn't go out for less than $350 but that's me - my market etc..</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>"Any idea on what I should charge?"</p>

<p>Since you're not a pro, I would suggest that you shoot it as your wedding present to the couple if you're a wedding guest. Otherwise it sounds like we're just talking about a handful of shots and nothing more than 5-10 minutes of shooting. What is your relationship to the couple or the family?</p>

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<p >Be careful, I don't know who "they" are you speak of, but the photographer shooting the wedding may have exclusive rights to shoot the wedding. Whoever is hiring you may be violating the contract. Most wedding photographers shoot the reception details too. If you are a guest then fine, take some shots, but not for money. If you are not a guest, then check if you are really allowed to do this.</p>
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