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Adding computer jpegs to view on canon body


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<p>OK this is really odd but I have an idea that I think can help me in the field. I am really not a fan of posing. I have ideas for shots then through the course of an event they get lost. I have some great shots that I try and duplicate but there are so many that I forget them. So here's my question. Is there a way to copy images from my computer onto my memory card so that I can view them on my camera and use them as a reference on the job? I've tried to copy JPEGS from my computer directly to the card. The camera tells me it can't view the file. I've taken an image that I shot with my camera and in photoshop added a layer with the "pose shot". Flattened it then overwrote the file thinking the metadata would still be the original and the camera would read it. No luck. Is it possible? FYI. I shoot with the Canon 5d MKII, 5D, and 50D. Thanks.</p>
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<p>I just tried it with my 5D (MK-I) and was able to display (and zoom into) an image that I took with a screenshot tool on my computer. But it needed a bit of work before ...</p>

<p>1) I took two images (in large-jpg) with my 5D ... one in landscape orientation, and one in portrait orientation. I stored these images on my computer ... (I need them to "steal" a correct exif-header for the file to be displayed later)</p>

<p>2) I loaded the image to be displayed into Irfanview (any other program that can crop and resize will do as well). I cropped the image so that it had a proper ratio of 3:2 (in my case, i went for landscape oriantation). Then, I resized the cropped image to the exact dimensions of a 5D image. (Eventually this step isn't even required ... could be checked later, it things work with smaller images too). I finally stored the image as jpg with 98% quality.</p>

<p>3) The new image still has no (or no correct) exifheader for the camera ... I used "jhead" to transfer the exifheader from the landscape-image in step1 ...<br>

jhead -te 5D_landscape.jpg newimage.jpg</p>

<p>4) Since the preview-image is part of the exif-header, the newimage.jpg now contains a preview image from5D-landscape.jpg ... this is not what I wantet ... So I used the program "exifer" to generate a new preview image for newimage.jpg.</p>

<p>5) Now, I loaded the image onto the meorycard ... make sure you understand the meorycards directory structure ... they all start with a DCIM directory in the root. The next level is a cameraspecific name in my case it was 100EOS5D. In this directory there already was a file named IMG_4642.jpg so I copied my file into it under the name IMG_4641.jpg</p>

<p>6) Plugged the memory card into the camera ... and voila ... works.</p>

<p>By the way ... "jhead" and "exifer" are both freely available programs ... but I'm quite sure, one could do<br>

the same thing with "exiftool" which is also freely available. Just make sure, you apply the same steps to your image ... Correct ratio and size ... give it a correct exifheader and previewimage ... give it a proper name ... copy it into a correct location on the memorycard ... this should work with most cameras.</p>

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<p>Why not a cheap P&S with a 3 inch LCD shoot images leave on a card in the P&S, that way not fumblin thru images on the camera shootin with. There`s always the stickman cheat sheet, only you would know the figures, as they are just a brain trigger :)</p>
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