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What is so good about lens coats


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<p>Are lens coats really that good for your lens or is just a sales gimick to get you to spend money you don't need to be spend. Never heard of it making a difference the birds sense you are there they will take off no matter what you cover lens with cover or uncovered. Why this would make a difference is a big question. I see most nature photography like the big ones like national geographic I have never seem them use a lens coat. Your feed back would be appreciated.</p>
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<p>I don't think they make a difference either, but it's good protection agaisnt sratches and dinks on your $6000, $8000 or $10000 lens. Big time nature photographers from NG may be under contract with Canon and Nikon therefore they need to "show off" the products and they probably don't own any of the stuff that they use.</p>
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I bought one a couple of months ago for my canon 600mm and I really like it. First of it makes your lens look awesome :-) Second, it only "works" unless your are also wearing camo shirts and pants. Third, it really does protect your lens. I was hopping a bob-wired fence to take some deer photos and I stubled and my lens fell against the bob-wire. What would have left a giant scratch on my lens didn't even leave a mark on the coat. I really like it, but I do agree that $100 is a bit much...... Hope this helps.
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<p>Beside what Sinh Nhut said, having covers on Canon telephoto lenses will block off any bright reflection from the white barrels. Nikon lenses are all black, thus don't have reflection, but they are easier to trap the heat than the white lenses, especially these lenses are under the sun for a while. Notice that blocking the reflection wouldn't guarantee camouflage.</p>
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<p>If you spent time outside in -20C weather this winter, you'd have a new appreciation for a neoprene cover on the lens. It's also much better at blending in than a white lens as said above. I like the one I got but I think it should be easy to make one, I decided to buy one instead though...</p>
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