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digital color printing


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Does anyone know what digital color photographic printing method (i.e., LightJet, Fujix, inkjet, Ultrastable, etc.) has the broadest color gamut? I'm trying to print extremely pure neon blues and blue-violets from transparencies.




~chris jordan





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With digital you can pick your printing range {lets say 5 stops}

place them where ever you like {tword the highlights or shadows} and

manipulate the rest with the levels control. It isn't always what the

color gamut's limits are. Its more of adjusting so that your eye can

percieve your original intent. Your print might not match your

transparency exactly but when view as a whole after your adjustments

the eyes/mind can be tricked into seeing what you want.

To answer your question I think it is the fuji pictrography.

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As per John H above, I agree, check out profile cities page, you will

find that LJ prints tend to be very strong in the blues...be careful

if you bring the image into PS and use a working space that is

smaller in the color range you want, since data clipping will occur

and then you are screwed...there is no getting back the clipped

data. For the LJ, use JHolmes Ektaspace in PS, it was specifically

designed for that printer...assuming you want to use the LJ.

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