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CS4 - Out of RAM Message

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<p>Since moving to Vista and Canon 5D MK II I continually get a photoshop message advising that I have insufficiemt RAM. This only occurs when using the Quick Selection tool . The only solution I've found is to close down and re-open PS CS4. This message appears with only two image files open and with no other programs open. <br>

Sometime ago I raised a ticket with Adobe and they asked me to follow a rather long document on how to set up CS4. However this hasn't helped at all. I have recently re-submitted a new ticket but await their response. In the meanwhile I hope that photonet users can offer help.<br>

I have 4Gb RAM though clearly I cant use anymore than around 1170Mb with PS CS4 32bit, I have plenty of HDD available for Scratch disk. I'm using a 2.66G Intel dual core 2 so this shouldn't be an issue.<br>

Anyone also experiencing problems or can advise on fixing this problem?<br>



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<p>I have a very similar computer - Vista 32 bit, 4 Gb RAM. When I open the CS4 preferences dialog, it says: "Available RAM: 1651 Mb." I set the "Let Photoshop use" thingy to 100%, making all 1651 Mb available to Photoshop - about 40% more than you say you have available. I haven't had any out of memory problems using the Quick Selection tool or anything else.</p>
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<p>Thanks for the feedback. <br>

I have to say I'm puzzled over the max memory available under Vista. Although windows definitely shows it sees all the 4Gb, PS only offers 1651 Mb in Preferences. In some books it states available memory is higher but I believe that Adobe only supports upto 1651 as 100%. Its very frustrating expecially having 4G available but unable to use it.<br>

May be I remove PS and reload. In the meanwhile I'll try upping to 100% and see how that works.<br>



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