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my first slr

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<p>so i just purchased a canon powershot sx10 is but now i'm wanting to go to school for photography so I need to purchase a slr in the next year.<br>

I like sony but it came down to the canon sx10is because it seemed better, i have trouble with it though.<br>

my question is which slr is better sony or canon?</p>

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<p>Is there any particular aspect of photography you're especially interested in (wildlife, macro, product, portrait, event, journalism)? That might help narrow it down. Do you have a target budget in mind?</p>

<p>Personally (and I'm a 30 year Nikon shooter) I'd say Canon beats Sony across the line on features, versatility, lens lineup, and image quality. If I were starting out, I'd be hard pressed to choose between Nikon and Canon (each has strengths and weaknesses), but I'd put Sony dead last, behind Canon, Nikon, Pentax, and Olympus.</p>

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<p>Kayla,<br />I would echo Joseph's words. One thing that i never read here, but MUST BE considered, is look at the SYSTEM components, which are available from each manufacturer. Not just lenses, flashes, etc. There are so many other items, that make a system, a system. System componenets which can stretch the boundaries of your photography. I chose Nikon, just for this reason (25 years ago)</p>
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<p>I vote for you to get a Sony Alpha DSLR-A300/350/700/900 -- pick one. The 300/350 has the nicest live view while still using full SLR features -- unbeatable.</p>

<p>Used, the field is wide open, but the new 300/350 are unbeatable regardless.<br>


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<p>Kayla, could you borrow a digital SLR from someone to use for the class? Or rent one? I don't recommend that people spend hundreds of dollars just to have equipment that qualifies them for a class. Plus more in the future for additional lenses et al. I would encoyrage you to borrow or rent for the class, then see how your needs evolve.</p>
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