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Pls help me recreate this lighting

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<p>**Apologies for posting this incorrectly the first time and thankyou to the responders - I did get your input**<br>

My sister would like to try and recreate this photo with her husband & baby - can anyone help me deconstruct the lighting that has been used? I can see there is one high and angled sharply down close in on the right. Any other lights or obvious reflectors used?<br />Thanks<br>

<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk:80/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/07/magazine_enl_1169145934/img/1.jpg">http://news.bbc.co.uk:80/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/07/magazine_enl_1169145934/img/1.jpg</a><br>


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<p>I would be careful using strobes if your sister's child is this young. Some say flash can damage a new borns eyes, others say it's no problem. But why take chances. </p>

<p>I think this could very well have been done with just one light. But the question remains how was it modifyed. The shadows are farily sharp. I'm thinking it was done with a beauty dish, or a faily small softbox. </p>

<p>You should experiment with different modifyers till you get the shadow falloff you are looking for. Several things affect this. They include the size, distance and type of modifyer on the light.</p>

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<p>I would say one softbox up high, slightly to the right and one light on the background on the right hand side. It has either been modified with scrims to get the lower light in some areas or most likely, heavily modified in PS, otherwise his back and pants would be bighter.</p>
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<p>Thanks for your assistance. The flash issue on the baby's eyes is very good to know.<br>

"I would say one softbox up high, slightly to the right and one light on the background on the right hand side. It has either been modified with scrims to get the lower light in some areas or most likely, heavily modified in PS, otherwise his back and pants would be bighter."<br>

No photoshop here I think, this photo was taken before PS was dreamt of.</p>



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<p>Urban myth. Flash will not damage a baby's eyes. It's no brighter than sunlight, and I've never heard of sunlight damaging a baby's eyes - unless they stare at the sun. Besides, if there were a problem, there would have been a rash of law suits and recalls. And baby photographers would be out of business.</p>
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<p>I say one medium reflector high above the camera, slightly to the right. Definitely not a softbox judging by the shadow of dad's fist on his jeans. I have no idea what they lit the wall with, there are lots of ways to light that small an area evenly. The single light on the baby is so tight that there wouldn't be any problem of spill from that. Maybe the keylight was gridded?</p>


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