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Release dates and prices of new Panasonic M4/3 products


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<p>According to the latest news, Panasonic will release 7-14/4.0 zoom and GH1/14-140 combo on April 24. The estimated retail prices are, respectively, 124,950 yen and about 150,000 yen.</p>

<p>Panasonic will also make the 14-45/3.5/5.6 kit lens aveilable as the lens only on April 24 and the price will be 36,750 yen.</p>

<p>At first, GH1 and 14-140/4.0-5.8 lens will be sold only as kit, but Panasonic will sell the lens only from May 15 and the price of the lens will be 106,050 yen.</p>

<p>Panasonic also plans to release GH1/14-45 kit and GH1 body only later, but the releas date is not yet mentioned. The announced 45/2.8 O.I.S. Macro and 20/1.7 pancake are also due in this year.</p>

<p>At PIE 2009 (Photo Imaging Expo) held in Tokyo right now, Panasonic is also displaying Leica-M-to-M4/3 and Leica-R-to-M4/3 adaptors.</p>



you can see the latest images of the above mentioned products. Click each thumbnail to enlarge and enjoy!</p>

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<p>Some additional info:</p>

<p>Panasonic will also release a stereo microphone DMW-MS1 to mount on the hotshoe and its estimated retail price is 12,600 yen.</p>

<p>Leica-M-to-M4/3 and Leica-R-to-M4/3 adaptors are also due in this year.</p>

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<p>Very interesting. I guess my existing first generation Zuiko ED (14-54, 50mm) lenses will fit with a Pana adapter, but I have to go through some chart to see if they will correctly focus. Well, one can't have everything. I still want a little more than the kit lenses seem to offer, although the 20mm looks to be most interesting...also the macro... Having movie HD short clip capability could be fun you know! I gave up long movie type video in despair of ever producing something watchable for more than more than five minutes. You tube stuff is more my speed:-)Even more so than art filters in my opinion. Muxch more so!I look forward to an interesting future for this new camera, don't you? . Panasonic makes some great products. And great HD televisions by the way, so the synergy is there for HD movie clips... And Matsushita has the R and D to come up with new features and an association with Leica GMBh going back many years. It is a win for the 4/3 and I don't see it hurting Olympus. Assuming Olympus will produce lenses that will do the needed contrast detection autofocus.Maybe Olympus will offer an SD card slot one of these days. It could happen.</p>

<p>I am not totally ignoring those who seek to mount Leica lenses,but kind of, since most of us never could buy into any Leica product. ( I have only once in thirty plus years seen a red dot camera out on the street on Oahu. Funny. Even Japan tourists use Canons and Nikons) Maybe they are kept under dark raincoats and 'flashed 'only when a shot appears.</p>

<p>Thanks Sakamotosan for that link. Keep us in touch,please... gs</p>

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<p>Gerry, you are welcome! I'll try to keep updating the info.</p>

<p>I share the same feeling as John, but this time the "mock up" 20mm lens has become at least "mountable". According to other sources, 20mm and 45mm macro are due in this fall, so there are still some (too much?) time to go.</p>

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<p>The 20mm seems a little more finished than what I saw last year. <br>

I notice that the 45 Macro has both OIS on and off and focus range switches. Excellent idea. </p>

<p>I know I'll want the 20 as soon as it ships. Not so sure about the 45: I already have a 35 and 50 Macro, and I don't care much if a macro lens is manual focus only. </p>

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<p>I think it is a little early to write off cameras with mirror boxes. Production costs may be less and size will obviously be smaller without---- I want a small one too,no question. when I need a small carry around or inconspicuous unit.... My 'system' needs are modest. (Three good lenses will likely do- I remember when I worked with just a 50mm) I like something with material substance as well as fit in the coat alternative. Since small to me entails really truly small.. I believe those who have used the E-1 and its brand mates will appreciate the company's achievements. Some will not, and I can respect that impatience.</p>

<p>I am guessing the standard 4/3 and micro 4/3 will operate as side by side players with Oly carrying the freight on standard 4/3. There is a lot of product out there now in field use to let it drop altogether.<br /> Hope they get some standards issues resolved. Japanese camera companies give us a hard time on that score I have to say. Batterie, AC adapters, focus systems,memory card types..I am sure third party vendors as well are waiting. It would be nice to see a Tamron entrance of their high quality lenses in one of these mount sizes.</p>

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<p>... Panasonic is also displaying Leica-M-to-M4/3 and Leica-R-to-M4/3 adaptors.</p>


<p>This is wonderful news. It's not that the adapters of themselves are particularly interesting, but that it is a affirmation that the manufacturer recognizes this segment of the market as important. How refreshing.</p>

<p>Man, I'm really eagerly awaing the Olympus micro-4/3 offering this summer. I hope they don't screw it up and dummy down the camera for the focus group P&S crowd.</p>

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