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Not enough RAM on imac to runn Nik Color Efex Pro

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<p>I have just bought an imac 2.93ghz with 4gb RAM and it has the GT120 card in it. I have upgraded my PS2 to PS4 which works fine, but when I try to open my beloved Nik Color efex Pro 3 it tells me I don't have enough RAM.<br>

My G5 with 2gb of RAM on CS2 had no problems like this as did the new imac running CS2 with the Nik software.<br>

This is really frustrating. I have closed applications, rebooted, reloaded the Nik software (into the plug-in folder) but still it tells me I am too low on RAM.<br>

Any ideas would be extremely welcome.<br>



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<p>The first thing to do is to confirm that the version of Nik Color Efex Pro you are running is a universal binary. If it is a PPC-only binary for the G5, it will be using a lot more memory so the Rosetta technology in OS X can convert the binary to run on the Intel processor in your new mac. <br>

I have no idea whether it is or not, but this is where I'd start.</p>

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<p>Something is wrong. 4gb even in emulation should be plenty. When you say PS2 to PS4, do you mean photoshop 4? or Creative Suite 4? That would be a huge difference. Also, as said before, CS2 would work better on the G5 in some ways than on the intel macs whereas C4 should work great on your iMac. I have the Nik Color Efex Pro on CS3 and no problems on my intel iMac with 3GB ram. </p>
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<p>Thanks for the answers. I have reinstalled the Nik software (CS2 - CS4) and twice it did not help, but the fourth time I clicked the 'open selective tool' option on installatiion and (don't know why) it seems to have sorted it out. It now runs really fast and workes perfectly.<br>

Fingers crossed it stays that way!<br>


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