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This mamiya tops everything!


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<p>About three months ago, I bought myself a Mamiya C 330 F with all seven lenses (55mm to 250mm)</p>

<p>I had a panoramic camera, a Fuji GX 617, delivering 6 x 17 shots, which I bought a year ago. I bought the Mamiya because of the incredible detail this camera gave me.</p>

<p>I had no problem at all with the technical aspects of the Mamiya, so I could go full blast at once on the creative use of it.</p>

<p>And, have I been using it!!</p>

<p>Last weekend, I went to a forest, then I went to a lake, and in the evening I still felt like photographing. So I went to the city of Antwerp (Belgium), and in the old part of the city I took night shots.</p>

<p>Then , I still felt like photographing, and went to a highway overpass, and took time shots of passing cars.</p>

<p>Now, I got my shots back, and they are all perfectly exposed and sharp. On the light table, under the loupe, they show great detail.</p>

<p>I took shots of a statue with the Cathedral in the background and every spot on the brass shows.</p>

<p>The shots deserve to be enlarged to 8 feet or so, but I live in a small house that can't take this size. I have to start thinking of an exposition. </p>

<p>Anyway, it's an understatement that I'm enthusiastic abour Medium Format.</p>

<p>Why didn't anybody tell me about this 15 years ago?</p>


<p>Dirk. </p>

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<p>The shots deserve to be enlarged to 8 feet or so, but I live in a small house that can't take this size.</p>



<p> </p>


<p>But if somebody would have told you 15 years ago, would you have had believe him?</p>


<p>Or could you have afforded it 15 years ago? I certainly could not have bought my RB67 then.</p>

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<p>I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. I've had my C330f for two or three years and the honeymoon ain't over yet. I really love this camera. Over that time I have collected all seven lenses too, plus various other accessories (even the mythical paramender type three), and recently I even bought a second C330f as a backup/spare. There might be other gear out there that produces a better result, but with this camera I have found that I actually love getting out there and having the huge enjoyment of shooting. Seeing the end result is actually a secondary consideration, weird as that may sound.</p>
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