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WedNEsDAy PiC #12


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<p>Great stuff again.</p>

<p>Just got back my 18-200 from Nikon. They replaced a part to fix the zoom creepies. Wanted to test it out but also was curious about which noise reduction works better, NX2 or Noiseware. </p>

<p>Took this photo inside, no flash, ISO 1600. Noise was very obvious. For me, Noiseware did a better job but I admit I don't understand all the little things about how to make noise adjustments in NX2. Much to learn........</p>


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<p>I apologize for the <em>useless</em> HUGE size of my file... thanks Lex for the reminder. I forgot to check it after converting the .TIFF file.<br /> I don`t want to add even more work to our moderators but perhaps it could be of any help if the original pic is replaced with the one below (482x640 - 236Kb). If not, I suppose this post can be easily deleted.</p><div>00Sn4D-117219584.jpg.4828a3fe0ba3a6a77d026efef83e586f.jpg</div>
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<p>We should publish a book featuring the best of the Wednesday Pics....Once again many stunning entries.<br>

Mine is from a couple of days ago when we had a rainy spring day. We received over 2 inches of rain which is a lot for us in Chicago. Everything was soaked including this cardinal who saught shelter in a backyard pine tree. He was so wet that his crown wouldn't stand up.<br>

Good luck to all....see you next week.<br>

D3 300mm with TC 17-E tele</p><div>00Sn5G-117229584.jpg.09bf154cf271471764e9856f40e8bb0a.jpg</div>

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<p>Hello All. Some pretty original work so far. This is my niece Jocelyn, the newest addition to our family. My sister's first child; I think she did a pretty good job. Taken with a D300 and 24-70 2.8 on the second day of her life "on the outside." She was born last Wednesday, I think its an omen that she is destin to be the subject of many more images... </p><div>00Sn9V-117273684.jpg.232f09874abb6f7c53f118c086466753.jpg</div>
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<p>Here's my entry. I was driving on some Mexico highway the other day, found this sort of roadhouse where it seems somebody had a rough time. The place looks abandoned, but it isn't. Later I found out it opens at night.<br>

<img src="http://a03-b03.mypicturetown.com:80/P2PwebCmdController/cache/O15QmugXJ4a%26tfmTRdKGLR5kZWZKoSyu8RwnVyT*nIy%25YQZ-oMA%3DLt2*%3D3gvc%25%3D/item.JPG?rot=1" alt="" /><br>

Shot with Nikon F4, 70-210 AI zoom, Kodak 125PX.</p>


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<p>I had to pull over on my way out of town last week and take a few photos of the reflections of the mountains in the first melted out section of Blue Mesa Reservoir. Walking around I found these old dead plants that seemed like surreal monoliths around the lake shore.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/8753672-lg.jpg" alt="" width="482" height="640" /><br>

E-510 - 14mm - 1/160s - f8 - ISO 100</p>

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