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Epson 2200, iMac Leopard, Lightroom2 printing problem.

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With Tiger and LR1, prints were spot on and matched my Eye One calibrated iMac. After upgrading to Leopard (OS X 10.5.6), Lightroom 2.3,

and Epson print driver 3.09, all prints using LR2 or PS CS3 (10.0.1) are way off in color (very muddy). Looks like double color management.

I’ve researched this and can’t find any solution or workaround that fixes this mess. Is this just lack of support for an older Epson printer, is

there a real fix, or am I looking at buying an Epson R2880 (which I really can’t afford right now) ? Thanks

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<p>I don't have the 2200 (I use the R2400) but the 2200 driver module is there in Leopard by default. I'm not sure a separate driver is available, although the Easyprint v3.10 package is supposed to work with the 2200 under Leopard as well. </p>

<p>What I have seen time and time again is where people miss the color management switch in the new interface presented by Leopard printer drivers. If you're printing from Lightroom 2.3 using paper profiles, BE SURE to go to the Printer Settings, select the Print Settings panel in the driver dialog, set your media type, Color output, and "OFF" in the Color Settings menu. Selecte Advanced mode and Best Photo quality. (IN Tiger, the color management setting was on a separate panel in the driver dialog.) Save these settings. </p>

<p>Now set up your Print Job by selecting the paper profile you are going to use in LR 2.3. Your prints should now match your screen pretty closely, presuming the screen is properly calibrated.</p>


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