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enlarging lens for Omega D2


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<p>For 2.25x2.25" you will need an 80mm lens. Check the diameter of mounting thread of your current lens, 50mm lenses were available in at least two different sized mounts.</p>

<p>The 80mm lens will work with 35mm negs, you will just have a smaller max size image.</p>

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<p>You can use an 80mm lens with 35mm negatives but you will be unable to make a very large print or crop. In fact, depending on your D2's column height you probably could not make an 8x10" print from 35mm with an 80mm lens.</p>

<p>There have been many different lens mounting threads sizes for 50 and 80mm lenses over the years since a D2 was first made. The common modern thread size is 39mm Leica thread. Besides the proper lens you may also need the proper lens board and cone for a D2.</p>

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<p>Thank you for the feedback so much. What I have is a screw mount lens board. and two old lens. Both are theaded. One has fog in it (mold so need to replace it) It is a Voss 3.5 50mm screw mount.<br>

The other seems it may be ok since it is clear. It is a spiratone 80 mm. also threaded and both fit and screw into the lens board attached to the enlarger. Are these called leica thread mount lens or some other appropriate term so I get the right replacements?<br>

and I have a scale that I am not sure how to read but it seems like the thread area is about 1.5 inches wide (could be 39 mm?)</p>

<p>Any addition insights would be greatly appreciated!</p>


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<p>Your measurement of 1.5 inches = 38.1 mm so I am guessing if you really measured more carefully you could safely say you have a 39mm thread size. You can buy enlarger lenses quite cheaply these days on the auction site (ebay) or elsewhere. The best and sharpest lenses are Schneider Componon and Nikkor lenses and I wouldn't settle for anything less. Throw the two lenses you have in the trash where they belong. You can get a manual from this site for $10 which will help you determine if you have the appropriate lens boards in which to mount each lens. I have a D2 which I only have set up for 4X5 but probably, if I wanted to do other negative sizes, I would need other lens boards. Why, you might ask? I'm not sure for what lens/negative combination, but you can run into problems of running out of bellows extension while trying to focus unless you have the right board with the right amount of extension built into it. Here's the link: <a href="http://www.classic-enlargers.com/omega_manuals.htm">http://www.classic-enlargers.com/omega_manuals.htm</a></p>
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<p>The best and sharpest lenses are Schneider Componon and Nikkor lenses and I wouldn't settle for anything less.</p>



<p>My two Apo Rodagons are far better than the Schneider Componons that I own, and I sold my Nikkors because they weren't as good as the Schneider lenses.</p>

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<p>I am not totally sure, but believe on the Omega D2 you may have to add or remove a condenser lens when changing to different focal length lenses. Some enlargers let you move the position of the bulb or crank the condenser assembly up or down to adjust. Assume if it already had these lenses it would have the proper condenser lenses, but you might want to double check.</p>

<p>My vote goes for Componon S lenses, in those focal lengths should be available for not much money on internet auction sites. The older Componon lenses without the S are good but the lens formulas and coatings are better on the Componon S series. 50mm for 35mm work and 80mm or 100mm for medium format work.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have never tried out Rodenstock Rodagons let alone the Apo version so it's interesting to hear Steve says they're better than the Schneiders or Nikkors. Maybe he can elaborate on excactly what qualities make them better - I'd be interested to hear. Insofar as a Componon S versus the regular Componon, Arlen is correct - the "S" should be better (better coatings) and a handy backlit f-Stop ring allowing you to see the aperature size in the darkroom. I bought an older 80mm Componon with a silver barrel from a friend who "upgraded" to a Componon S. We compared prints from the two lenses and couldn't see any real improvement in the Componon S - in fact, my friend generally felt that the older silver-barrelled lens seemed to make sharper b&w prints. I don't really know. Good glass is good glass. Compared to your Voss and Spiratone, any of these choices would be a visible improvement - anyone would be able to spot the difference.</p>
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<p>El-Nikkors tend to be overpriced and IMHO overrated in today's secondhand market. I've always been a fan of Schneider Componon-S lenses, as offering a very good price/performance ratio, and most of the commercial darkrooms I worked in used Schneider glass. There's no doubting the optical quality of Rodenstock Rodagons or Apo-Rodagons, but many of the samples of Rodagon I've seen lately have some element separation, which I've never seen in any Schneider lens.</p>

<p>The earlier Componon (non S version) lenses had non-standard threads that you'll be hard-pressed to find a lensboard for. Go for the later -S versions which usually had a standard 39mm Leica thread fitting.</p>

<p>So my recommendation for a reliable and reasonably priced lens would be to go for a Schneider Componon-S. Or if you can find a Rodagon in good condition, with no telltale sign of a rainbow reflection around the edges of the glass, then go for that. In fact check the optical condition of any lens, because condition is everything. A haze of small scratches caused by careless "cleaning" is worse than one or two small chips or more visible scratches. Unfortunately, people generally treat enlarging lenses with less respect than they would a camera lens, and will happily scrub at the surface of their enlarger lens with a dirty old handkerchief or darkroom apron and then wonder why their prints look dull.</p>

<p>Note: DO NOT get a Componar, Comparon, Rogonar, Roganon or other cheaper version. Yes, they're made by Schneider and Rodenstock, but these are inferior budget-quality lenses. With secondhand darkroom equipment going for peanuts these days, it doesn't make sense to buy anything but the best.</p>

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