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WedNEsDAy PiC #11


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<p>Up to this moment I was not sure if to post or not this pic, but as mentioned by Hasse in the previous wEEk, the aim is to use our oldest gear to celebrate the 50 anniversary of the F mount. I`ll do it.</p>

<p>This pic is also an old one, TX400 film (Tri-X pan) probably exposed at 200ISO developed in D76 as I used to use. I had my very first new owned Nikon (not the oldest or the first I have used) a F3 payed with my first salaries, more than 25 years ago (I still remeber that excitement). The lens, a 35/2AiS which I replaced later with the f1.4 version.</p>

<p>Developed for wet printing, the V750pro scanner doesn`have enough power for a good scan. Too much density and grain size, I think.</p>

<p>As usual, feel free to post whatever your favourite PiC oF tHe wEEk. Nikon gear, pLEasE.</p><div>00SiS5-114875584.jpg.a69ad92af3f44e90fd97302e8b377d2e.jpg</div>

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<p >Lil and gents.... Here we are again. It's all Jose's fault! :)</p>

<p > </p>

<p >Its too hard to decide. Too many pictures and not enough WeDNesDaYs.</p>

<p > </p>

<p >This is a shot with my NEW tele lens AF-S X0X mm G VR..... I really like it! In cases like this VR seems to work really nice. A few months back I was trying to get shots like this one but I couldn't. This was my first try and I know there is a lot of room for improvement but I'm happy.</p>

<p > </p>

<p >My model was a MEW GULL. A hungry one. Someone was trying to feed her and she was catching the bread in the air. I am happy with the exposure but I think I could push the curves a bit more. I had to clone out a few swans from the BG and also I added canvas on the bottom. After I was done I felt it's a tad tight on the right but I don't wanna go back to the drawing board. I like the wing position and the head angle. </p>

<p > </p>

<p >SO!? Let's see everybody's catch of the week! :) Cheers!</p>


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<p>Well my old film camera is an ancient Soviet produced Zenit so I guess I'm not allowed to use it in this forum...So here's one from my D300 instead. <br /><br />On Saturday the weather was really stormy, it was cold and there were a few snowflakes in the air, so we thought "perfect weather for a camping trip!!" :-) So we went skiing a few kilometers in the hills and pitched our tent. My picture this week is of my wife and son sitting around the campfire in a 1.5 meter deep dig-out in the snow. Here we were quite sheltered from the wind but could still hear it howling in the trees behind us.<br>

D300 with 18-135 @ f3.5, 1/80s, ISO 800.</p><div>00SiSq-114881584.jpg.cdd990900c59d92d7ebeb03bc0c3e4b2.jpg</div>

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<p>Rene' - you are so right. I struggled and re-struggled to whittle down my entry for this week. So, this is an evening shot of my home town. The former Kodak House is being turned into luxury apartments, the hotel and shopping precinct has been completed but still the old town exists (at the bottom of the photo). I used my Pronea S loaded with Fuji Nexia 400. Lens was the 200mm f/4 H.C set to f/16 and 30 seconds exposure. I rather liked the effect of the dark foreground and bright lights beyond.</p><div>00SiTA-114883584.JPG.63cf363b342ffdb20a29c88129592674.JPG</div>
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<p>So, to tribute Nikon's anniversary, here's my contribution. Saint Justa's Lift entrance in Lisbon - it was designed by na apprentice of Gustave Eiffel. The iron lift is 45m tall and offers views of Lisbon Castle, the Rossio Square and Baixa neighbourhood. The lift has become a tourist attraction in Lisbon as, among the urban lifts in Lisbon, Santa Justa is the only vertical one. Others, including Elevador da Glória and Elevador da Lavra, are more like funiculars that help climb the slopes of Lisbon.</p>


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<p>Well, OK, an old pic made with old equipment (by an old guy).</p>

<p>This was taken on Nantucket in 1982 on Kodacolor film with a 1969 vintage Nikon F and matching 50mm f/1.4 - my second 35mm camera. (The first was a Yashica that used Pentax screw mount lenses. Its normal lens had a "semi-automatic" diaphragm, meaning that it stopped down when you released the shutter, but you had to press a lever on the lens to open it back up again to compose the next shot.) Except for the brief Yashica interlude, I was a large and medium format guy before getting the Nikon F.</p>

<p>Scanned with Nikon 9000.</p><div>00SiTm-114893584.thumb.jpg.a0f6b318a4dd373bafbff44dfe67e7b1.jpg</div>

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<p>Good morning! I also do not have anything old from Nikon to share. There are some nice memories here and I really like Kent's above. It reminds me of my aunt's home in Ohio...good memories. This week I was set up in my backyard to shoot birds, leaning against a tree, sitting in the snow when I heard a commotion over my head, looked up and saw this squirrel staring down at me. I released the camera from the tripod and shot straight up. It was taken with a D300, AF Nikkor 80-400 mm VR zoom at f5.3, 1/800 sec, iso 400, 360 mm.</p><div>00SiTt-114897584.jpg.979852403a91cd3c550cf2ab88391f35.jpg</div>
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<p>This is my friend Michael, one of the best bass players around. This is from last year. Nikon F4 with 50/1,8. My first Nikon was a Fe and a 35/2 that I bought when I studied in LA in 1982-83. Still have it!<br /> I shoot B/W film regularly and still do traditional darkroom prints. This is a scanned print.<br /> To all of you. Thank you for your warm welcome last week!<br /> Lil, nice to have another swede here! Och krya på dig!<br /> /Hasse</p><div>00SiU1-114899684.jpg.33a291e11cc7631de9579bb789fce7f6.jpg</div>
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<p>Hey folks! Nice film shots...I especially like Jose's, Ian's, and Kent's, and Hasse's.</p>

<p>Rene - nice capture...very good for a short lens.<br>

Hammish - very warm scene. I'd want to be as close to the fire as I could.<br>

Richard - very nice. I like how the eyes just draw you in.</p>

<p>I'm away from my laptop right now so I won't be able to post till a little later in the day, but wanted to point out those exceptional shots!</p>


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I was going to show of a bad pic from my first attempts with umbrella tabletop and my sb800 with manual controls, but I was rescued by a dolt who bopped a telephone pole and created this sizzler. The frightening thing about this was the loudness of the crackling noise. It eventually burnt a gravesized hole on the side of the street.<div>00SiWW-114929584.jpg.bdbf84ca432956c393de7c14fb9733bb.jpg</div>
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<p>Oops, Wednesday already?!<br>

Don't have any old images scanned to share. My oldest "surviving" Nikon camera - Nikon F3 from 1982 - hasn't had any film through it for years - which cannot be said for my 34-year old Leica M5 veteran that I inherited last year. Still own my first lens though - Nikkor 105/2.5 AI, which is nearing its 30-year anniversary - and it sees its occasional use. After I purchased a 20/4 AI 9 or 10 years ago, it no longer is the oldest lens in my bag though - the 20/4 was produced in 1977. <br>

Below is one of the more recent shots taken with the 105/2.5 on a Nikon D200<br>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3040/2937073830_a5fdd88606_o.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Very nice shot with the 105 2.5 Deiter. This is quickly becoming one of my favorites as well. It's tough to nail the focus at 2.5 so I tend to shoot it at 4 or 5.6. When you do nail the focus the results are usually stunning.</p>
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