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off camera flashes


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this is my first post and i am new to the camera world and i would like to know more i just recently bought a nikon d60 and i wondering how i set up a off camera flash whats the best way to go about doing this and cheapest if i should use radio slaves or what and how to set it up and what i all exactly need to buy to get started and what are some good brands if somebody could please help me that would be awesome thanks</p>

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<p>you cant use the built in flash as a commander but you could get two flashes like the SB80DX's and you would have built in wireless flash from those units.<br>

Nikon flashes seem the best to me, ive tried Metz and others but they are confusing.</p>

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<p>Get a SB600 and then read the manuals for it and your camera. Actually using the off camera flash is very easy and you can immediately verify the results on your camera's LCD screen.<br>

Suggest getting the Nikon SG-31R little device that sits in the hot shoe and blocks the visible light from the D60's internal flash but lets it communicate with the SB600 flash unit. It is a pricey bit of plastic but it works and takes little space in your camera bag.</p>

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<p>Umm thank you all so far that have responed to my orginal post. I have been doing some research and i think i would like to use some sort of transmiter over buying sb-800/su-800 seeing how money is kinda of a issue and that seems to be the best for now. I'm still not quite sure what i will all need though i was thinking about the sb-600 for my flash what else would i need to get it working wirelessly thanks again for all the help so far</p>
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Consider that if you want to do a simple off camera flash setup WITHOUT CLS, and just manual power settings, you can simply get an older SB-26, SB-80DX, or even the newer SB-800. All these flashes have built in optical slaves. That means that all you need to trigger them is your pop-up flash set to manual and lowest power (so as to contribute little to no light depending on your aperture and distance to subject). I have both and SB-80DX and SB-800 and trigger them both off camera with my D40's flash. It works quite well!</p>

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<p>I trigger my SB-30 using my D60 popup flash, or even the popup flash on my Fuji 645s. It's a handy little flash that you can just keep in your pocket. Since it's more powerful than the popup flashes you can hold it out, facing up, with your arm to get either a good bounce flash or an off-camera effect depending on its orientation. You will need to practice a bit with the angle because if it can't quite see the popup flash then it won't go off.</p>

<p>On the other hand, if all you want is bounce flash then the SB-400 for digital Nikon SLRs is a compact little gem of a flash that rotates its flash head straight up if you want.</p>


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