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Lee RF75


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<p>Has anyone used the new Lee RF75 system? I am thinking of purchasing a Mamiya 7, but I use graduated ND filters at least 1/3 of the time. I'd like to know how reliable this new system is. Can I really put the ND grad where? I want it?<br>

Thx, Jim</p>

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<p>You can, of course, use the RF57 on a Mamiya 7. <br />Though as far as how succesfull, much is left up to you.<br /><br />The RF57 holder has marks, marking the (vertical) center, with scales above and below.<br /><br />You will have to judge, looking through the filter where the boundary of a grad should be.<br />You then also need to check through the viewfinder where that is relative to the frame, in particular where that is relative to the vertical center of the frame.<br />Then you insert the filter in the holder accordingly.</p>

<p><br />Because no rangefinder viewfinder has a scale along its edge (at least, not as far as i am aware of), it demands a degree of 'guesstimating'.</p>

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<p>Hi Jim,<br>

I've used a standard Lee filter holder on my Fuji G617 with GNDs. The system works, but you have to prep for it; it's a two-step process and not perfect.</p>

<p>Basically, on a bright day and with a white wall (or you might also be able to use some bright lights), you set up your filter holder and GND on your lens. Open the back door of your camera and then slide the GND up & down 'til you see it covering as much of the lens/field of view as you want (obviously, this is easier with a hard GND than a soft). For me, I have typically wanted the GND line at about 1/3 and 2/3s (easier for me to stick with the rule of thirds). When you get the GND line to your desired point as you see it through the lens, then create some type of mark on the side of your filter holder to indicate where the GND line should align. I've used a piece of tape on my filter holder and written on it with an indelible marker.</p>

<p>Now, when I go out to the field to shoot, I insert my GND to the desired alignment, and then use the viewer in my camera to also align the same way.</p>

<p>I hope that this makes sense. I don't see anything magical in the new Lee RF75 system that can't be done the same way, hopefully with your existing filter holder and GNDs. And, especially when the new Lee RF75 system will only accept a maximum of a 67mm lens (I'm using my old Lee system on 67, 72 and 81 mm lenses)...</p>

<p>Good luck,<br>


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<p>I had a look at Lee's catalogue, and saw in it that they sell filter holder guides with the scale on them (they call them "rangefinder face blades") that you can fix on any regular Lee filter holder.<br />But a bit of painter's crepe paper masking tape with pencil lines will indeed do just as well.</p>
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