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1Ds memory writing speed booster


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<p>I still love my 1Ds, and the only thing that bothers me on it is the speed it writes data. <br />I have heard of specialists that remove the AA filter. I purchased a 8GB UDMA 300x card and it didn't perform any better thean the cheap $20/ 4GB cards I currently have. I find it very slow at times.<br />Anyone know of a shop or person that does upgrades to the speed in which it writes?<br />It would be interesting to hear of other improvements / modifications that are possible :-)</p>
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<p>UDMA is only compatible with the latest generation of camera bodies, so you will not see any benefits from these cards on your 1Ds.<br>

Also, the write speed is going to be determined by the data channels on the imaging chip, so I don't think you are going to have any success in finding anyone to improve this.</p>

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<p >Puppy barks, "New custom CPU and OS and you're in like Flint..."</p>





<p >Phil writes, "I am referring to the camera writing the capture to the card. Not unloading to the computer."</p>





<p >I was talking about the camera CPU and OS. Canon's trade name for this feature of the camera is called "DiG!C" and is currently at version 4. Your camera is a digital device and uses one or more CPUs and an OS. Hell you can even upgrade the OS to some extent via FW. Obviously a faster Mac/PC has nothing to do with this conversation. </p>

<p >The newer versions the DIGI CPU are faster and accommodate new operating instructions for UDMA. Of course, short of a custom job by a really good hacker, the only way to get a faster CPU and newer OS in your 1Ds is to buy a 1Ds III.</p>

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<p>_Puppy, Thanks for clarity. surely a custom /hack job, but I thought someone might have tried it :-)<br>

Thanks Brad...I dont know what the Digic guts do vs others, but I do see the Sony with 24mp clocking in the mid 30's as well as a number of the Nikon cams. The 5D M2 is where Canon picks up its feet...not even the 1Ds or 1D Mark3...Even the 50D is much faster writing. Whats up with that? and the buffer?! My Kodak SLR has at least 19raw 14mp shots before the buffer is full, although it is slow to free it up.<br>

If I upgrade to a new camera, I think I would go for the 5D Mark2.<br>

Doing fashion or event runway shoots, I was forced to use 2 bodies, specially with crew involved, there isn't too much lag time when things are going strong vs the posing shoots.<br />I know 2 bodies are often norm for this reason or lens reason, but you'd think the speed of the Mark3's would at least be up to par with the competition. </p>


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<p>I dont know what the Digic guts do vs others, but I do see the Sony with 24mp clocking in the mid 30's as well as a number of the Nikon cams. The 5D M2 is where Canon picks up its feet...not even the 1Ds or 1D Mark3...Even the 50D is much faster writing. Whats up with that? and the buffer?!</p>


<p>I think you need to check that all things are equal here. The 1D3 and the 1Ds3 are 14-bit native format files. You select 14-bit files on the the other cameras referred to and the rate slows down considerably.</p>


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<p>The 14 bit of info is when the sensor makes the Analog to Digital Conversion. After that a file size is a file size..no? Or is it written in packets? I am not too familiar with these things but...<br>

I believe D3X is 14bit, I would think the Sony is the same, but I dont know for sure, and cant tell from the post. 5D looks like it got the faster speed, and that is a 14bit</p>

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