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Erasing protected photos from computer


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I locked certain photographs on my camera and downloaded them to the computer, but now they won't erase from the computer they are

on. I can't go back into the camera because they were erased after importing them. It wouldn't do any good anyway, because they are

stuck on the computer. Every time I try to empty the trash, it says "Cannot delete, file is locked." How do I unlock them and get them off

the computer??? Help!

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<p>That happens sometimes with my system as well (Windows XP, CS4, Lightroom 2.0). Rebooting usually fixes the issue. Restarting explorer.exe sometimes does it too. It doesn't seem to be a permissions issue- If you look at the system with procexp.exe you can see that explorer has the file locked...</p>
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<p>If it's Windows XP, I use a program called Unlocker - it:</p>

Unlocker helps delete locked files with error messages like: <br /><br />- Cannot delete file: Access is denied <br />- There has been a sharing violation. <br />- The source or destination file may be in use. <br />- The file is in use by another program or user. <br />- Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

<p>It can be downloaded here: <a href="http://www.majorgeeks.com/Unlocker_d4660.html">http://www.majorgeeks.com/Unlocker_d4660.html</a></p>

<p>Once in a while Explorer will be locking a file and this will prompt you with option with what you want to do. It is also handy for getting rid of viruses that need to be deleted on a reboot.</p>

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