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WedNEsDAy PiC #9


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<p>well it is still wednesday here in Alberta and we have broken 100 posts on this link this one was taken with a coolpix Temp in the -20C range after getting yet another dump of Snow this one is clearing the drive yet it seems to pale when looking at other people's work whish look great.keep it up.</p><div>00Sa3h-111787684.jpg.f193b0a557438fa724732255722a17d7.jpg</div>
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<p>Nice picture Rene....... and everybody else :-)</p>

<p>These are American Avocets mating, as Black-necked Stilts look away [Gilbert, Arizona] today<br>

<img src="http://robertbody.com/animals09/images/2009-02-25-riparian-avocets-99270.jpg" alt="" /><br>

2009-02-25-riparian-avocets-99270.psd - Nikon D300 <br /> 2009-02-25 08:22:14 - (lens: 300mm f/4 AF-S) <br /> 1/2000s <a title="Sunny-16 f/stop, aperture, ISO table" href="http://localhost/answers/support/fstop.html" target="_blank" title="Sunny-16 f/stop, aperture, ISO table">f</a> /5.6 - ISO-200 - 300mm (x1.5=450mm )<br /> Exp: Aper AE.Multi-segment. -1 step. (Flash:Yes)<br /> AdobeRGB - NEF(raw) - 16 MB - Daylight/5500K <br /> Size: 2948x1965 pixels - 47% crop<br /> Orig: 4288x2848 pixels - Res: 240x240dpi</p>

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<p>Here's a photo of some old friends!</p>

<p>D700, 24-70 f/2.8G at 70mm, ISO 200, Daylight WB<br>

Manual Exposure: 1/60 @ f/14. The Sekonic flash meter reading (1/60 @ f/16) looked a little dark so I opened up 1/3 stop.<br>

Compact mono light kit with small umbrellas. If I'd had more powerful lights on hand I would have shot at f/22 for extra DOF.</p>


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<p>Boy, these posts are filling up faster and faster. I did this product shot last week for a rustic furniture in Los Angeles. Hand carved bear and fish, it's really big, about 30" long. I wanted to include something to show the scale, but the client thought it would detract from the bear.</p><div>00Sa5g-111799584.jpg.9a972e9d681daf3561f663a1e76389fe.jpg</div>
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<p>Ilkka, it takes too long if you don't have the patience, and a lot less time if there are other birds flying in and out<br>

- <a href="http://www.robertbody.com/2009-third">New Birds</a> -<br>

That has a better sequence, in the last section from 2009-02-24 of Mating Stilts, I have seen the behavior several times but they aren't always in the best spot for photo<br>

The bigger issue than patience (which i can provide) is focal length, this was with 300mm and cropped, but it's 500mm + 1.4X that is the proper focal length to use [with autofocus].</p>

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<p>Richard, thank you. At the time of my shot there was only water in the pot, but soon to be coffee :-). I love your bird btw. Everything about it is good. I particularly like the complimentary color tones.<br />René, your idea that I was talking about was getting our children to publish their photos too.<br />Kent, I love your shot. It's like something from a science-fiction.<br />Gabe, thank you. Nice snowy scene. I see I am not the only one getting buried by the stuff.<br />Dieter, that is an amazing shot!<br />Jim, I love the tiger. I'm guessing there were some bars between the two of you ;-).<br />Lil, thanks! I haven't been able to see your shot yet. The picture doesn't show in my browser just now. I tried copying the url from it, but then I got a message saying 'zenfolio is offline, but will be right back'. I'm looking forward to seeing it :-)<br />Randi Kayle, I love that shot. Great HDR effect!!<br />And everyone else, great work. Thanks again to Jose for starting the best thread of the week! :-)</p>
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<p>The Wednesday thread gets better every week. Good work, everyone!</p>

<p>Some standouts -<br>

- Kent Shafer, GM HQ (great color and perfect verticals!)<br>

- John Conway, Hassy 501 (classic!)<br>

- jf zhang, play (fun!)<br>

- Doug Santo, duck (detailed!)<br>

- Dan Brown, iron (smokin'!)<br>

- Gary McGhee, Liverpool ticket booth (timeless! my fave this week)<br>

- B READ, the guy in the mirror (intense!)</p>


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