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Mamiya TLR Advice


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My name is Matt and I am in need of some good advice from knowledgeable Mamiya TLR lovers. I am trying to determain the value of several camera bodies and lens I have for the purpose of selling them. I have so many different prices that I have no idea at this point what's fair. What I would like is to establish a fair price so that I can post in the classified section and not play the e-bay game. <br>

All equipment was purchased by me new way back when - yes, that makes me an old guy. (really old) The equipment has served me well as a professional photographer for all those years and now its time to let go. Any help would be appreciated.<br>

Thanks! Matt</p>

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<p>Used them for years, Matt....I sold the last of them about 5 years ago.....now it is a LOT worse, but then I got $800 Canadian for a mint C330 F, with 80mm (black), 55mm, 180mm Super and a bunch of shades and a grip, and a Lunasix3,etc. This gear was in really nice condition. I don't expect I would get half that today.....If I still had it, I'd simply <strong>use</strong> the thing..........regards, Bob</p>
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<p>If it gets down to it, you can probably just call KEH and send it them for an appraisal. They'll usually tell you over the phone or through their website what they'll pay for a given piece of equipment. That price would be what they would pay you; knowing full well that they'll turn around and sell it to someone else. After all, resell is what they do a lot of; but I have purchased some good equipment from them; they grade pretty hard; and, that's worked out for me as a customer. </p>

<p>Now, if you get into it for a while, and look at what people say about the value of some things, you can start to figure out some stuff. Like how much profit does what kind of buyer need to make in order for him to be satisfied with a purchase. An end user buying equipment will have a different perspective than a reseller or appraiser might; the end user gets his profit from utility. Mull that over, and it could help you out. Good luck. J.</p>

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<p>I paid $75 for a C330 with black 80mm and WLF about two years ago locally to a full time wedding and portrait photographer who had moved from MF TLR to MF SLR to digital. Very good condition. Not sure without pulling it out to look at it if it was an S, F or plain 330. I definitely got a bargain. The selling price is probably normally in the $300 range. But with Mamiya and Bronica MF SLR bodies available for around that or a little more I would imagine it's getting harder and harder to get much for the TLRs. I believe the C330 in its last variation sold new for about $750 for the body alone if that's any help.</p>
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