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mamiya c330f, help!


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<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I got a <strong>mamiya c330f</strong> recently.</p>

<p>I have tried other TLRs before (and cheaper brands) so I found it strange that my camera's film winding is not smooth (a bit jerky rather) and makes loud creaky sounds, as compared to a yashica mat 124 (which was v smooth and soundless) and a seagull which was less creaky too.</p>

<p>Also, the shutter is comparably louder than the soft snick other TLRs make; almost like an SLR's solid click.</p>

<p>Did I get a funny camera?</p>

<p>Also, if I view a white background, and the lens is clear yet my focusing screen shows lots of little black dots, what does that mean, and any solutions that can help me solve it?</p>



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<p>I have a C220. The film advance is smooth and very quiet. No creaking, definitiely. The shutter is quiet as a mouse....barely hear it. Something is wrong with those two items.<br>

Focussing screen on your C330 is able to be removed and it may need a cleaning inside if the last person was not careful. My 220 screen does not come out, so I cant help you on the mechanics of removing it.</p>

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<p>Hi Thomas, thanks for the reply.</p>

<p>The winder goes creak creak creak, and the shutter is definitely not silent as a mouse - do you think that its perhaps this way for the c330f or it should be the same as the c220?</p>

<p>This is very worrying... Also, do you think the focusing screen could be washed under water?</p>


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<p>The shutters on the Mamiya TLR lenses are normally louder than a Rollei/Yashica/..., probably nothing to worry about. The C220 has a different winding mechanism to the C330, the C330 is a little more complex as it also cocks the shutter, perhaps it's due for some lubrication or maybe it will be quieter after is has been used a bit.<br>



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<p>I tend to agree with Wayne, I have a Rolleichord Va and a Yashicamat 124 and the Mamiya C330S, without any doubt the Mamiya is considerably louder than either of the other two. Once again the extra complexity of the C330s shutter mechanism is bound to make winding on seem a little jerky, especially if you tend to wind on slowly - though even quickly a more uneven feeling is still fairly obvious. As for washing the focusing screen in water, that will be fine (don't forget the blower brush first!), though I may tend to use lens cleaner. It's removing the liquid where you'll have to be more careful, I should use a chamois-like lens cloth, or lens paper as opposed to the cheaper 'blue cloth' versions as the latter can cause more rubbish to stick than was there in the first place.</p>

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<p>Yeah it may be a bit squeeky n jerky but that doesn't mean it's mechanically bad, just old n creeky. You can use a lube job, it's an old camera. Mine has been making sounds for the past 30 years, I'm just too lazy to open it up, it works fine.</p>
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<p>The C330 might be noisier than a Rollei, but it should advance smoothly with no jerking or grinding sounds. All you should hear is light gear noise.<br>

Make sure the film loading door is being held completely shut. With the door open, you should see a small tab in the upper portion of the right side light baffle groove. That tab needs to be held in, in order for the counter and frame advance to work properly. Opening the door releases this tab and resets the counter. If the winder seems quieter/smoother as you hold the door down tight over that tab, you've found your culprit.<br>

The most common cause is that both hooks in the door latch mechanism didn't grab. When you close the back, push firmly on both corners (opposite the door release) with your thumbs. Because of it's size, the door can flex a bit, leaving only one of the hooks latched. If you're sure both hooks have clicked/grabbed but the winder still won't move smoothly without holding the back shut, VERY CAREFULLY bend in the tabs on the body the door latch hooks engage. </p>


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<p>BTW, it's normal to feel increased resistance as the shutter cocking lever is pushed down as you wind. Also, it's pretty common to get dust on the mirror and focusing screen. Just take the screen off and clean it and the mirror like you would the rest of the optics.</p>

<p>The only squeaking noise my C330F ever made was from a cheap plastic film spool as it turned on the posts. Plastic on metal can be squeaky.</p>

<p>A copy of the manual can be found here:</p>



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