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Problems building Watermark

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<p>Well, I've gone through a lot of threads about watermarks and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.</p>

<p>I'm using Aperture to manage my images. I want to be able to incorporate my name as the watermark that it uses. I know how to set up the export preferences just fine.</p>

<p>What's stumped me is building the watermark in cs3. All I want is to incorporate my name and a copyright symbol. But, no matter how I set it up, the finished file builds a white background around the text. Then, when Aperture adds the watermark, it's a big white block with my name in it.</p>

<p>I've set the layers up as tranparancies, tried various methods, but when I merge or flatten it down and save it as a tiff, it still defaults to a background.</p>

<p>How can I create a document with just letters, that Aperture can utilize?</p>

<p>PS: I also tried messing with masks a few different ways, but that didn't send me in the right direction, either.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help! It just feels like I'm missing something really obvious.</p>


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