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Going to upgrade camera, buy or sell current/new lens?


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<p >Currently I have a 300D as well as the following glass.</p>

<p >28-300mm 3.5-5.6L IS USM, 50mm 1.8 II, Vivitar Series 1 19-35mm 3.5-4.5, 35-135mm 4-5.6</p>

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<p ><br /></p>

<p >What I like to shoot the most is motorsports and other action sports... (speed fof the 50D in RAW will be nice!)</p>

<p >Going to get a 50D, don’t know if I should buy just the body or the kit with the 28-135mm 3.5-5.6 IS</p>

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<p >Idea is to sell the 300D, but I’m not sure if I should sell it alone or with the 35-135 or both separate. How would I get more $ from the sale? What are they each worth?</p>

<p >From my research both are good with the 28-135 ahead in IQ, IS and build quality... or is there other glass i should consider? I know at sime point I will want the 10-22mm... nut would rather wait before spending $800 on more glass...</p>

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<p >Thanks for the suggestions and advice.... </p>

<p > </p>


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<p>Hi Andres,</p>

<p>I would think you'd want a longer lens for the type of shooting you like to do. One of the 70-200s might be ideal, but aren't cheap! The 55-250 IS or 70-300 IS might be a good budget alternative, for now.</p>

<p>I do think the 28-135 in kit with the 50D is a good deal. Have you considered possibly a 40D instead, to end up with more money to spend on lenses? It's also available with the 28-135 in kit.</p>

<p>The new Tamron 10-24 and Tokina 12-24 are good budget alternatives to the Canon 10-22. Better in some ways, even. The Tokina has better build quality, and they are blowing out the first version right now with the new Mark II just announced (improved coatings are the primary difference). The Tamron offers a wider zoom range. You can get any of these lenses for about $250 to $300 less than the Canon 10-22 (by the time you get the hood for it, too, which really shouldn't be optional).</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Alan, I have a 28-300mm L series that has been great...</p>

<p>Going to look into the Tamron and Tokina wide angle glass you mentioned...<br>

But if i sell the 300d with the 35-135 im defenitly going to have a big hole and no... "all around lens", other then the 28-300... but that thing is huge..</p>


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<p>I second the suggestion for the 40D, instead of the 50D.</p>

<p>And snag it used, you'll get a better deal. The 50D doesn't bring much more to the table than the 40D does, and you're sure to get a better deal on them now that they've been "replaced."</p>

<p>Check around before you jump on the 50D wagon, there are a lot of different opinions, but a <em>lot</em> of people feel like the 50D is a step back from the 40D in terms of high-ISO noise, dynamic range, and fine-detail resolution (and the 40D wasn't all that sharp to begin with...). They're seriously pushing the pixel density threshold, after all. Also, it's entirely possible that none of these things matter for your situation. :)</p>

<p>Additionally, you might consider jumping out of a cropped format into a used 5D. I'm not sure how appropriate that would be for you, since the 5D's AF is not as well geared to sports as the 40D's. It's not bad, but it tends to "hunt" and is a little slower than my 40D.</p>

<p>-Paul B. Davis</p>

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I would definitely go for the 40D over the 50D. And I might consider a 1.4X and an EF12mm extension tube. If you have the option, rent those last two items and see if they work to your satisfaction with the L lens. Even at f11, in bright light you might be surpised what it can do. You will loose AF probably and some infinity focus, but gain a lot of distance without all that much image degradation.
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<p>I have read a lot of reviews and im pretty set on the 50D, the screen alone is worth it if you ask me. Dont really like the idea of buying an older camera that already has a "replacment out".....</p>

<p>I figure that the 35-135 is a little on the plastic side for the 50D, so i sell it at the same time as the 300d and get the 28-135 IS with the 50D at a bargain price due to it being a kit, then go out and buy the wide angle....<br>

Thinking it over the IS of the 28-135 would defenitly help....</p>

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<p>Buy the 50D with confidence. I have both cams and the 50D blows the 40D away. Dpreview does not think for me! My 50D gallery, shot in a photographic hell at ISO 1000 can be seen here:<br /> http://www.MageProductions.com/afmuseum The 28-135 was used in the shoot.<br /> Another little tidbit... http://www.MageProductions.com/l.jpg and http://www.MageProductions.com/not_l.jpg are examples of the 28-135 IS and the (?)-70 L. Though some say the 40D lacks the resolution to make use of L glass you will get an idea of what all that money buys. It aint much, IN MY PERCEPTION!</p>
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