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Question about changing Arca-swiss Misura system..


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<p>Hi,<br />I have an Arca-Swiss Misura.<br />I've been trying to understand the movements, and realized that lack of back tilt and swing would make it harder for newbie like myself to understand all the movements. So, I'm thinking about selling it and get the one with rear tilt and swing like Arca-Swiss F-line or Ebony. Or, if it is possible, get a function carrier of Arca-Swiss F-line and replace it with Misura's. That way, I don't have to lose a lot of money for selling Misura.(I bought the new one.......I know I was stupid..)<br />Does anyone know if that is possible or not?</p>
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<p>I don't think you should replace your camera with a new one because the "lack back tilt and swing would make it harder to understand all the movements". In principle, every relation between lens an film can be achieved using front movements only.<br>

I guess that the lack of back movements actually makes it simpler to use the camera because you have less to think about. Personally I use only front movements most of the time (rise is most important to me for photographing high objects like trees and buildings, then fall combined with tilt for landscapes). <br>

You should figure out what you actually need to take the pictures you want. Then you should develop an approach of actually<br>

taking the pictures. That approach depends, to some extend, on the camera you use. My 8x10 lack back shift and rise, which my 4x5 has, but I don't feel limited by this, even though I sometimes use the movements on 4x5. </p>


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<p>Thank you for your advice, Stefan<br />I usually shoot landscapes and city snaps which I don't think I need back movements either.<br />However, I sometimes want to shoot visionary photos too. I think it will be much easier if I use back tilt or swing for those phantasmal images. Of course, if I was an expert and experienced in LF, I could make those images without rear tilt or swing. If I am wrong about this idea of movements, plz let me know..<br />Thank you</p>
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<p>With cameras that have no back movement in the camera, you achieve film plain movement by tilting and swinging the whole camera on the tripod. Tilt and swing the camera to the position for your film plain, then bring the image up using other movements. It doesn't take long using a view camera to know where you want the film plane. Even for a newbie . If you buy a camera to learn this feature you might regret it once you realize how easy it is.</p>
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