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Video on the 40D: real or hoax?


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<p>I've seen that video and it looks pretty real to me. With live view you have a video stream, all you would need to do is capture it right? I'm no programmer but the camera is designed to capture images at a certain rate, why not capture video at that rate? Not a frame rate but a mb per second rate.</p>

<p>Is it real? I don't know. Is it a hoax? I don't know. Could I do it either way? Nope, not right now anyways.</p>

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<p>Well, the file I got was just a real test shot to see if things worked.Camera sitting on the computer desk pointed at a wall. I just stuck my hand in the frame to see if it was recording, try the focusing, and frame rate by holding up a lens cap and turning it - looked not bad frame rate wise.</p>

<p>The file was saved as a AVI file but due to the lower light levels in my computer rook I though that the movie was a touch grainy. I'll have to try again with the laptop which will allow me to actually move the camera to a better location, maybe outside even weather permitting.</p>

<p>I would assume the 5DmkII would be superior to the 40D but who knows without a side by side comparison.</p>

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<p>I tried it as well. It "worked" - it didn't record that many frames per second and you have to have it attached to a computer.</p>

<p>The big limit seems to be that the 40d only writes to the card at about 8 MB/second - never seen anything faster - so the max rate at which you could capture video is limited by this.</p>

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