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Iphoto basic question

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<p>Hi Ashley-just drag the photo onto the 'Mail' icon in the dock and your email will open up with the photo in it-you just need to apply the address. Note that you can resize the photo (small-medium-large) using the drop down menu in the lower right hand corner of the email. Try it by sending it to yourself and let us know how you made out. regards, cb :-)<br>

P.S. point your mouse arrow to the top left of the photo in your email and hit return a few times to lower it so you can enter text.</p>

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Neither of the responses given by Charles or Patrick work for me. What I do is simply (i) to highlight the pictures in iPhoto I want to send out; (ii) push the command File/Export, (iii) export the pictures to my Documents. Thereafter (iv) I go into my gmail account and send the photos by pushing the button "Attach file". Hope this helps. </p>

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