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Raised price to 5 digets today. RE website


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<p>Betty - outstanding! That's really what I hope all photographers will do.<br /> <br /> The internet is both a wonderful and a frightening thing. It's wonderful that we can put up a website and show our work to the world. By the same token, it's frightening, because our choices and actions are suddenly under the World's microscope. <br /> <br /> It's like being a Presidential nominee - we might enter with the best of intentions but leave in disgrace if we haven't considered the ethical ramifications of our actions.
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<p>On the positive side:<br>

Wow. Quite the impressive website. The shots are good and I hope your clients will stick with you. Good luck with the new price structure.<br>

On the opportunity side:</p>

<p >Photographing a lot of musicians I would hope that I knew them well enough they simply sent me a letter asking me to not use their music, versus having their attorney call me to court. Especially if they found out how much I was getting for my services…using their music as a potential “Advertisement”, or worse yet an “Endorsement”. That could be quite costly. And your web designer could be liable as well. They took money to add the music to the site. Apparently most people (and I found I am one too) like to keep some form of control while surfing. Have the webpage go full screen and the music start automatically is off putting.</p>

<p > </p>

<p >I’m not saying you’re not worth the money. Only your clients can say that. What I am saying is you should get some business advice. Either an attorney or some other (not sure what your area has) business professional or company who helps out businesses with some of the basics of being in business as you seem to have a hand on the photo part.</p>

<p ><br />Good luck with everything!</p>

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<p>The music thing isn't just a Candice problem, she's a professional wedding photographer and brings us all into the problem. Do we really want the music industry to start going website by website to catch wedding photographers using unlicensed music? Can you imagine what the headlines would say about the wedding photography industry? And now, even those who don't use unlicesened music or who don't use music at all are now a part of the issue. So for those of you who do use music because you have "different feelings" about copyright, please think of the industry before thinking of just yourself.</p>

<p>However, I just took a look at the Chanel logo and I would be much more worried about them coming after me then the music industry.</p>

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<p><em>Do we really want the music industry to start going website by website to catch wedding photographers using unlicensed music?</em><br>


Wow. I think we need to take a step back and look at this situation seriously. If you really think the music industry is going to start going "website by website" to target wedding photographers...oookay.<br>

I would suggest supporting artists who allow free downloads and use of their music because they care about the music, not that paycheck. And that's what I'm going to say about that.</p>

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<p>The arrogance of Candice is surprising, nice shots and it all goes to the head. The comment by Colleen Donovan is disappointing, as it is clearly unacceptable to steal other peoples work. Both of them seem to think that thieving is okay, my mother taught me otherwise. Colleen, the posts above have nothing to do about a bad "attitude" - look it up in the dictionary. Oh well, the world contains all types of people. Strance Candice has suddenly gone quiet, come on Candie, please post a reply to all those who took the time and effort to contribute!</p>
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<p>Betty - Have you not been paying attention to what the music industry has already been doing? And now they are targeting the ISP's to help enforce their draconian world view. As far as going website by website, maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but not out of the realm of possibilities, you at least must admit that. And stealing is stealing, no matter the personal feelings. YES! Support those who give their music out for free, they need the exposure and some of them make damn fine music. This isn't a question of supporting free musicians, this is about doing what is right, for everyone.</p>

<p>You have about 30 seconds to grab the attention of most people surfing the web, if your site is still loading music or a flash slideshow at about the 20 second mark, you are loosing potential clients, period.</p>

<p>As far as pricing goes, she is doing the right thing. If your not raising the bar every 3 to 6 months, your doing your business a diservice. Her 5 digit package maybe her Wopper Package, designed to draw more attention to the middle packages she really needs/wants to sell. And who knows, maybe she just might actually sell some of the whopper packages because you can't sell what you don't have listed. Try it for yourselves right now, create a gigantic package that has everything in it including a day at the spa for the ladies and a round of golf for the gentlemen. Then price it high, really high, then start your selling with that package and work your way down, you might be surprised how many more of your current top packages you start selling.</p>

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<p>Let's remain constructive to the OP.<br>

I think the site, personally, was a bit of a mess. I use BluDomain too and have gotten good and bad feedback (bad being mostly from this site) but the bad you have to take, sometimes, with a grain of salt because as a previous poster said, it's the brides and grooms who are hiring you...not other photographers or web designers. Brides like my site, and I have no shortage of work. I think a little "clean up" on Candice's site would do her well..make it easier to follow and read. I do think that flash sites are the best way to show off your art, I think it's simply embracing the most updated technology.<br>

As far as the music issue, there are many artists (mostly independent artists) who offer their music for use to get their name out there. I suggest maybe contacting local, upstart artists who would love to have you use their music on your site.<br>

It's along the same lines of offering the rights to use your pictures for free to brides and grooms, like I do. I want my brides and grooms to use my images any way they choose. The more people who see the work the better. If it wasn't for the brides and grooms IN the pictures I wouldn't HAVE pictures, so I see them as their images, not mine. I've had brides cut and paste images from my blog to use and it doesn't bother me at all. I realize, however, that other people feel differently. BluDomain added a little "images owned by Type A Images" on my site but I pay no attention to it, honestly. I'm a small-time photographer...not Annie Liebovitz. I don't really worry about having my work "ripped off".</p>

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<p>As soon as your site took over my screen and started playing music, I killed it...so I didn't look at the photos. I never do business with someone that messes with my computer :) My wife is more forgiving...but she can't stand the slightest spelling mistake, so she would have never read your post to begin with. All in all, I think it needs a ton of work, good luck -jeffl</p>
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<p>I would suggest supporting artists who allow free downloads and use of their music because they care about the music, not that paycheck.</p>


<p>So I assume you also support wedding photographers who give away photos and allow use anywhere because they care ab out photography, not that paycheck. <br>

<br /> That's going to go over very well here.</p>

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<blockquote>Do we really want the music industry to start going website by website to catch wedding photographers using unlicensed music?


Wow. I think we need to take a step back and look at this situation seriously. If you really think the music industry is going to start going "website by website" to target wedding photographers...oookay. </blockquote>



Betty - The music industry has people that go restaurant to restaurant to make sure the piped in music is being paid for - why not websites?


<blockquote>"I would suggest supporting artists who allow free downloads and use of their music because they care about the music, not that paycheck. And that's what I'm going to say about that."</blockquote>


Betty - I don't allow free downloads of my photography to other sites without my permission. I don't know why musicians should. I care about photography but that doesn't mean people can use my work to promote their businesses. I have to care also about a paycheck or I can't pursue my love of photography. <p> I just got a check from a real estate company that lifted my images off my pn portfolio. I did a search on Rio Rico (because I'm moving there in a few years and like to look at the market) and low and behold, I found a huge real estate company out of Florida that is selling land in Rio Rico - AND they were using (without my permission) MY photos to sell property. Even though the shots they took were just snaps I made of my property and some houses I liked the style of - THE NERVE of them.<p>


What it means is - Rather than pay a photographer, or a stock agency for work - they just lifted my photos to promote thier effort to sell land.<p>


FUTHERMORE - the header photo and a few others that where on the home page and some of the other property pages were stunning and made the site look very professional.<p>


Problem is - I figured - if they stole mine - they probably stole someone from another photographer as well.


Since I'm somewhat of a search guru... I did a search on "Arizona" hot air balloons (one of the photos on the site) and hit paydirt. Niebrugge Images out of Alaska - confirmed after I emailed them that all the photos were theirs and were not used with permission.<p>


Betty - Bottom line is - There are sites where you can pay a nominal fee for rights to use music. There are artists who will allow you to use their music for exposure providing you link to their site and give them credit. There are sites where businesses can use free or minimal pay photos. That would be ethical and right and lawful.


Bbottom line -is that stealing music or photos without permission is against the law. We, as artists, should be the first ones to respect that. If our art/music was free for anyone to use without having to pay for it, we'd be out of business in short order.

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<p>Generally good photography. Without knowing your local demographics or what those starting prices actually include not sure about your pricing. As others have pointed out forced full screen is a big big turn off. I find it very pretentious and presumptuous for a site to assume I want their site to fill up my entire screen. Typically those site I close and move on to another. Which is what I did with your site after looking at some of your images on your home page.</p>
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<p>Images look nice but I'd like to see a separate portfolio gallery and a way to navigate the photos without just having to watch the slideshow. </p>

<p>If you are servicing high end clients, everything about your site should scream "high end photographer." Look at investing in a custom website instead of a template and having someone proof-read everything before you send it out for clients to see. Your logo also does not look "high end" I would consider just dropping the whole camera (with the "CC" in it) and using just the name part. It looks much more sophisticated and the camera thing cheapens it. </p>

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<p>I'm sorry, I must have missed that paycheck remark. Some of us use our photography to feed and clothe our family. Some of us are actually trying to run a profitable business that hopefully will stimulate the economy by our purchasing power and maybe, just maybe provide jobs to others because we need the help. I have nothing more to say about this because its obvious that there are photographers who just happen to have a business and business people who make their money from photography on here and the two really never see things the same way.</p>
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<p>I allow people to use pictures I take without causing a stink about use fees. But, I understand that's probably just me.</p>



<p>And you would happily allow them to use your photos to advertise their services, whatever they might be? Polygram can put your photographs on their CDs and you're just fine? That's quite generous.</p>



<p>I have nothing more to say about this because its obvious that there are photographers who just happen to have a business and business people who make their money from photography on here and the two really never see things the same way.</p>


<p>Actually, plenty of them do. Watch on these forums as people go beserk when someone uses their photos on a website, even if it's not marketing anything. Then they take music without a license and put it on their site.<br>

<br /> BTW, there is some confusion here about the music industry and downloading of songs, which mostly has to do with RIAA programs, and licensing of music for usage. These are not the same thing.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p><em>And you would happily allow them to use your photos to advertise their services, whatever they might be?</em><br>

Have and would. I understand it isn't the norm, but if I take a picture of someone at their wedding, or of someone's child, and they choose to release that picture for use to advertise something that's fine by me. They've paid me to take their picture. What they choose to do with that image is up to them.</p>


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<p>Candice, Here are a few suggestions:<br>

Rework your logo - it does look very familiar (Chanel) - a lot can be done with two c's so you shouldn't have much trouble getting something unique and fresh.<br>

Always spell and error check your site. First impressions are priceless.<br>

Is there really a need for a full screen pop-up? I use a 30" cinema Mac display and I can't stand it when a site automatically opens a page in full screen mode.<br>

Getting an ASCAP Internet Music License is a piece of cake: check out www.ascap.com for more info. You can download the appropriate forms for your specific business and then pay the fee - then you're covered.<br>

With your photographic style, and the right web-developer, you could have one of the most sought after websites in Southern California. I wish you the best of luck!</p>

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<p>As far as the website goes, I think your photographs are beautiful. Although I could never afford your services, I get the sense that there is something more to what you offer than the usual wedding photographer. As a matter of fact, I could imagine being back at the stage of looking for a wedding photographer and being willing to stretch or change our budget because your work is so good. I agree with many of the other comments, particularly about your underwear sticking out in the about me section. For "10 diget" customers you might want to look more professional.<br>

Finally, I think your attitude sucks and is quite off-putting. Admonishing people to only comment on what you assigned them and getting snippy when they stray is rude. Don't let your online personality detract from the incredible work you do.</p>

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<p>The opening page is what I call a "mystery site." There's no clear link that says "click here" for various types of content.<br>

The technical notices at the bottom are nerd speak. If those things are necessary to make your site work, consider getting rid of the technology that requires it. My own sites are pure html and nothing else.<br>

So-called professionals are likely to load your site with technologies that are costly to maintain.</p>

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