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Travel tripod/ball head that won’t break the bank?


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<p >Howdy!</p>

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<p >I’m looking for a sturdy travel tripod/ball head combo that will handle a Nikon D90 with an 85mm prime. I know that “pay for what you get” is a cliché for a reason, but I’m trying not to spend more than $200 a piece. (That said, I’ve been spending way more than I actually earn lately, so we’ll say my budget is $400 to $600.) </p>

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<p >Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!</p>

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<p>I'm sure you can get a very nice used Bogen 3001 or 3021. I'm not sure if Bogen still makes these anymore. I have both of these right now. I have them matched to a Kirk BH-3 head, switching it between the legs. Since the 3001 is smaller/lighter I used it mainly for hiking and travel. Both are very solid.</p>
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<p>You can get a Gitzo G-1377 center ball head for as little as $180. It doesn't have the best holding power or tension control, but it is well made and operates smoothly. Best of all you can adapt an Arca-Swiss type QR clamp to fit it (q.v., Really Right Stuff). The 486/488 heads seem to work OK, but Manfrotto QR is pretty bad. See if you can adapt an RRS clamp before you putting your money down on this head.</p>

<p>The venerable Manfrotto 3021 is a good tripod and gets the job done even if it's a little heavy and rather short. I bought an used, Gitzo G-1227 for $200 from KEH. It needed new bushings ($15) but works perfectly now. There are some excellent Gitzo "Reporter" Series 2 aluminum tripods in your price range, but you can forget about CF unless you can find one used. The G-1224 (or older G-224) is tall and very sturdy, but 26" when folded, and must be disassembled to fit in a standard suitcase. Aluminum tripods with four sections or smaller than Gitzo Series 2 are too wiggly for general use.</p>

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<p>I have the 055xb and it works great. I also have the 486rc2 head and again, it works great. It'll certainly hold a 70-210/2.8 or 400/5.6. It might even manage a 300/2.8, but that might be pushing it. Well over the loads you are looking for. Only downside is that it is a bit heavy for a travel tripod (around 5lbs without ball head). The 190 series might be a bit better fit, though they don't extend as high without raising the center column (the 190 weighs a 1lb or so less). My 055 I can look right through the view finder without stooping and without raising the center column (I am 6'1"). That being said I have schlepped around the tripod over my shoulder or an hour or so before and it wasn't a serious problem.<br>

I certainly don't have any complaints about Bogen's rc2 system. It works quickly and it securely attaches my lenses and bodies to the ball head. I have no slip or vibration in there. Again, something really heavy might be a problem, but it is very secure.</p>

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