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New M6 and 35 Summicron


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<p>Just wanted to post some pics of my M6 I just got today. Already shooting some rolls of B&W. Trying a few different film types from Fuji Acros, Kodak Tri-X, Ilford Delta, and Ilford FP4. I am really enjoying getting back into film. There seems to be a little bit of romance to shooting film over digital for myself. Of course these pics were taken with my wonderful D300 and 105 2.8 Micro Nikkor. Hope you enjoy.</p>
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<p>I'm going on a safari in Africa this summer so I plan on taking this with me for shots of the locals and camp etc. where the D300 with the 80-400 will go to capture the wildlife. After just shooting things around my house I am really liking the whole rangefinder focus. I think this will give me more consistantly sharper photos than my F4 and D300 just due to the way this is focused.</p>
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<p>You can do excellent digital photography with your Leica M6. Just shoot transparency film like Velvia 100 and for about $20 you can have it developed and have high resolution scans made on a CD at many places. Best of both worlds. Good luck.</p>
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<p>Gil, that was one of the reasons I got back into film was to basically get a FF Digital. I love the 1.5 crop on my D300 for wildlife and sports but then when I want go wide or just walk around the city a film camera is a cheap alternative which I think is even better because you have the 3rd backup i.e. the actual film.<br>

Although when I say cheap with Leica I mean compared to buying a FF digital that will be obsolete in 2-3 years and worth pennies on the dollar, it is like my Rolex, sure it may cost more but resale value should you decide to get rid of it could in some cases even bring back more than you paid so it is like shooting for free or pretty close to it. (Although why would you want to sell ha ha)<br>

And after just a day the simplicity and elegance of shooting this German marvel makes me finally realize what all the hub bub is about. I will try and post some pics after I get the rolls developed next week. Heck when I was buying this my salesman said it got him excited about breaking out his M5 and shooting some film.</p>

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<p>M6 and the 35 f2 is a very compact set. The camera hangs from the shoulder or around the neck very unobtrusively, especially without the hood, although I would never be without that. When I was first reading about photography as a teenager in the '70s I couldn't work out what this 'miniature' camera might be. The 35mm of course, in comparison to its predecessors, but now so obviously in comparison to its successors too.</p>
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<p>I just got back from shooting several rolls down on 6th Street in Austin Texas and it was a blast. Some people were amazed that I was shooting film they didnt know it still existed. Taking the rolls in tomorrow to be developed I will post some pics when I get them back.</p>
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