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WedNEsDAy PiC #5


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<p>Today`s pic has been one of the images I have used to check Aperture. I opened it on NX2 too. I`m afraid I`m at the same starting point... I wanted to use an only application to do my work, but seems impossible. I like Aperture so much... but I couldn`t find a selective tool to apply local adjustments like unsharp masking or contrast, which is essential to me. Otherwise, NX2 is great and easy, providing the best results and is the application I`m used to, but I miss some nice features like the ones related to web posting or that nice pluggins (copyright, frames, etc.). Nothing is perfect, or perhaps I`m a martian. I`m trying to avoid Photo$hop.</p>

<p>D700 @ 800ISO + 50/1.4AiS, f1.4 - 1/500sec., tungsten light, 14bit RAW... I was looking for this lens softness, this one is probably my softest Nikkor. Seems to me that on Nikkors, the softer ones gives the better bokeh (or am I used to the ugly 50/1.8AFD bokeh... ?) Anyway, as said above, NX2 let me to increase coin area sharpness, hidding that inherent lens softness and preserving intact that beatiful back/foreground blur. The pic below is what I got from Aperture, without unsharp masking.</p>

<p>Feel free to post whatever your pic taken with Nikon gear. Words allowed.</p><div>00SGFH-107223584.jpg.200bd266af71979d91e26010d8eddd8c.jpg</div>

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<p>Brown-eared Bulbul ヒヨドリ (Hypsipetes Amaurotis)</p><p>Oh yeah! Thursday again!<br>

Uhmmm! Despite the bad weather I've been having fun chasing birds around. Yesterday, while driving on my way home I saw a few birds around some bushes. I stopped my car on the side of the road and waited a few seconds. Not before too long this guy showed up to feed on these little fruits. I took around 5 shots and then I look on my camera screen. Right away I thought this was going to be the ThUrSDaY pic. The best part of it is that this species are so hard to shoot if you are not using a blind. They are so timid and they live in the mountains. Now everything is cover with snow up there so they come down to the city to feed. Now I am happy coz I added to my small birds collection!</p><p>Nikon D300 - AFS 300 -TC17eII On a monopod inside my car.</p><p>So!? What have you guys been shooting lately?</p>

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<p >We were out camping in the hills again on Saturday. This time the weather was in strong contrast to the cold, still spell we had last time, about 3 or 4 weeks ago. The wind howled all night, making the minus 2 degrees that it was, indeed feel like minus 15. Storm clouds that threatened with snow hung constantly over the horizon. The picture is taken while standing on the thick ice of a frozen lake just before nightfall. </p>

<p >I used the built in flash to light up the foreground. 1/20s, f/3.5, ISO 640. D300 and my trusty 18-135mm.</p><div>00SGFZ-107224384.jpg.b484b0906370e87727f3d4160992fb8f.jpg</div>

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<p>I was walking around my parebts house with my camera and I really wanted to take some pictures. I saw this wooden statue that has sat on my parents fireplace since for as long as I can remember. The nice mixture of light was what first attracted me but it was only when I positioned myself on the floor that I noticed the menacing look in his eyes. It reminded me of one of the reasons I love photography...The ability to view your world in a different way. Enjoy everyone and I look forward to seeing everybody's pictures =)<br /> <br /> <img src="../photo/8547270" alt="" /></p>
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<p>Those are really kind words Martian! Thank you! But the truth is that if I can do it, anyone can!<br>

-50% luck (to be at the right place at the right time).<br>

-40% equipment (If you don't have the right equipment or the cash to buy it.... (NO can do)<br>

-10% enjoying what you do so you do it well. (Or at least try)<br>

To be honest, I see what other people do with those 600 mm lenses and I am sure I could too if I had 10 K's to buy the lens! :)<br>

NEXT... You can't only use one application. I use NX2 to PP and Aperture to export, keep my library in order, etc. Now I am learning a lot about Photoshop thanks to the people in another web site where they see your work and tell you how to make it better. Like the shot above, I only used NX2 to convert the NEF file to TIFF and then I did the rest on PS. If you wanna avoid PS you should try those softwares I told you about. NIK software Sharpener Pro and Dfine. they are really great and you can use them as plugins in Aperture.<br>

LAST.... I like your shot but I don't like the OF effect you did on it. It looks unnatural. The OF of the far coins is not constant with the OF of the far hand. Otherwise I like the shot!</p><p>HAMISH..... Hey! You posted between my wording and my shot! That is impolite! :) Oh! Thank you for your comment! By the way, I like your landscape shots. I think they are great! Just be careful when camping below 0! You might get frozen one night!</p>

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<p>Hmmm, Renè, thanks for the quote... I agree... the idea was what you`re saying but actually the far hand was not placed along (in line) with the fore hand... that`s the issue with that uniform flat look from the far hand. Good observation. I actually want to make my photos for people who notice this kind of issues...</p>

<p>(Otherwise, my wife could kill me if I ask for her hand on a second "hand shooting session"... ) 8:P</p>

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<p>In law school, you learn that a binding contract requires consideration. The amount doesn't matter. The least little bit of consideration will do the trick - "even a peppercorn" they say. So lawyers are fond of peppercorns.</p>

<p>I made this with a D300 and 55mm f/3.5 Micro Nikkor (compensating type) reversed on a PB-6 bellows. Direct flash on the left and flash bounced off a white card on the right for fill. ISO 200, 1/250 at f/8. Thirteen exposures progressively focused from front to back and combined with the focus stacking tool in CS4.</p><div>00SGIP-107237584.jpg.61cc7cee838cc10dffaadfe8eaa5723c.jpg</div>

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<p>Was walking on the snowy and icy waterfront when I saw this ship docked here at the oil fueling station and the ship was so appropriately named "Arctic Blizzard" it just made the right shot with all the snow and ice in the harbor.<br>

Great shots everyone and have a good week!</p><div>00SGIw-107239984.jpg.f9aa36179a3bbeb0103a4d7ce323cfee.jpg</div>

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<p>Here's mine. It was shot on a improvised studio with a black IKEA fleece blanket as a background, a magnifier desk lamp and a set of reflectors from Lumiquest that I found for €2.5 (it retails for US$75!!)<br>

Don't mind the dust lower right.</p>

<p> </p><div>00SGJ3-107241584.jpg.918575b7a8c0372db9e4ff0fbdeafe55.jpg</div>

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<p>Today's image is in celebration of Australia Day, this past Monday 26th January.</p>

<p>Image taken while on Sydney harbour during the celebrations with the old-school 70-210 lens that I 'inherited' from the unused kit of a family member. Don't quite know why but I really like it.</p>

<p>Lovely images everyone...</p><div>00SGJC-107241684.jpg.6a14ddda0424e41f4abe07883556312f.jpg</div>

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<p>It's getting cold here in Florida too.Here is a picture of some frost that I took on Thursday.I had to even break out my winter sweatshirt.One of these days I'll figure out how to post a larger picture.Currently I am downloading to Flickr copying and pasting.I guess that isn't the correct way but at least it posts :^(<br />Stay Warm<br />Dennis<br /><a title="DSC_0532" href="http://www.photo.net/photos/33228758@N02/3233200559/"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3461/3233200559_05f780f473_m.jpg" alt="DSC_0532" width="240" height="160" /></a></p>
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<p>Wow Dennis! Almost like the UP! Export your image to a file in your computer that makes it a JPEG and set it to a size that is less than 1200x1200. Choose your image from that file in the browse function from here on PN. That should make you happier:-)<br>

Thinking of Florida!<br>


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<p>Great shots all. Rene', your guy with the fruit is remarkable.<br>

We have a sheet of ice here in Maryland, usa, and even the ducks are having trouble getting around. I have started shooting in monochrome, but with RAW too, and I was surprised by these Mallards. Instead of the prominent green heads, I notice the back feathering on the males, and the female's pattern is more interesting too, for me right now.</p>


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