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5D versus D90. IQ insights appreciated!

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<p >I recognize the difficulties in raising a question like this, and certainly don’t intend to spark another Canon vs Nikon debacle. I’m hoping for feedback from anyone who has experience handling both of these cameras, and who has tested their ISO capabilities and generally compared their image quality.</p>

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<p >I’m shopping around for my first dslr system, and I’ll be using it to travel in Africa. Initially I was thinking of a Rebel XSi, but since used 5Ds are reasonably priced these days, and since video features are sexy, I’m starting to feel like I might splurge. Whatever I choose, I’ll be taking along a couple of fast primes.</p>

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<p >The main benefit of the 5D is obviously the full frame sensor. In my mind this trumps the video on the D90, since I can always take along a tiny video-capable point-and-shoot. However, the 5D is heavier, has slower fps, and has a lower ISO range than the D90. Here’s where my ignorance sets in… will the full frame sensor of the 5D produce better images at high ISO than the D90, despite the D90’s higher sensitivity range? Setting ISO aside, will the newer D90 sensor produce better quality images than the older 5D sensor, despite the crop factor?</p>

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<p >I haven’t handled either of these cameras yet, and I’ll probably make my decision based on how they feel. But assuming that both are a good fit, what factors would sway you either way?</p>

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<p>My opinion is BIAS. So take it with a grain of salt. I don't know anyone that can give you an objective answer here.<br>

I have both the 5D and the D90. No comparison between the 5D and D90 as far as high ISO performance. The D90 beats the 5D hands down.<br>

Video feature - I don't use the video feature on my D90. It is a still camera.<br>

Image quality. That is really hard to say but I am bias so I say I like the D90 much better. <br>

Autofocus issue. Some 5D out there have autofocus problems. Unless you get Canon factory to tweak the autofocus and get it dead on you make get one with issue. Especially if you buy a use one.<br>

OTOH I don't think I have heard too many complaints about the D90 focusing issue. Mine front focus a little bit but perfectly acceptable.<br>

For traveling, the D90 is a lot smaller and lighter. I sold my 5D and D300 and picked up the D90 and never regretted it.</p>

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<p>The D90 utilizes newer technology. It is to a extent, similar to the D300, which could perform on par if not better than the older 5D in many respects. The 5D's FF adventage is physical, but that won't make a night-and-day difference, and can be compensated with other technological advances. The 5D's only other meaningful adventage is its metal body.</p>

<p>I think as of now, the D90 is probably a better bet.</p>

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<p>both have their advantages, but i think it really comes down to whether you will benefit from the crop factor or not. if you will be shooting wildlife or using telephoto at all, that extra 50% boost from the nikon 1.5x crop will be worth its weight in gold if you ever go on safari.</p>

<p>OTOH, the 5d clearly has better image quality from its FF sensor, although the d90 isn't too shabby. so if you plan to do a lot of landscape shooting and blow up to huge print sizes, that should be a consideration. forget about the d90's video feature as it's very gimmicky and nowhere near perfect.</p>

<p>bottom line is i dont think you can lose with either camera, so you will have to decide what's more important in this case of apples vs. oranges. dont forget to think about lens selection too, as that's probably more important than body choice these days.</p>

<p>also, regarding low-light high ISO, the d90 is about the same as the d300 up to ISO 1600; at 3200 the d90 appears to be cleaner, but that's due to more NR being applied. i have a d300, but at a recent event i peeked over my shoulder and saw a 5d user getting better available-light pics. so it's surprising to read Hansen's comments about the d90 being better than the 5d, which contradicts just about every review or test i've read. anyone else out there who has shot with a 5d and d90 who can confirm this?</p>

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<p>You are right Eric, it will be wonderful to get more information from others who have used both cameras. I just found myself no hesitating when I pick up the D90 and go out to shoot. I remember how hesitant I was when I use my 5D. I never really gotten bad images from the 5D but definitely not as many that I enjoyed looking at myself. Focus is one big issue. I was never comfortable with the autofocus from the 5D. I had much better results when I use manual focus. Another issues is the inconsistency with the eTTL flash. I wound up using manual adjustments with flash and was a lot happier. Then again we are also talking about technologies that spread over 3 years. </p>
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<p>okay hansen, i hear you. of course everyone knows that nikon is better in terms of ergonomics, AF, and TTL flash than canon. and obviously the d90 is a newer camera than the 5d.</p>

<p>however, the 5d's low-light ability is fabled, or at least it was until the d3/d700 came out. are you really saying that the d90 is less noisy at high ISOs than the 5d? or are you saying you like the d90 better in low-light situations because of better AF?</p>

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<p>I didn't know the 5D was fabled in low light ability. I know the pixel density is lower because of the full frame. I bought it because I wanted the full frame for wide angle shots and never thought much of it as a low light camera. It does not have a pop up flash so I had to use higher ISO when I shoot in low light or I use an external flash. <br>

When I shoot low light with my 5D I would not dare go above ISO 1600 because of noise. I have no problem using 3200 with my D90 right now. I have to go through a lot of images to find some proof but I believe the 3200 on the D90 is cleaner than the 1600 on the 5D.<br>

Yes, low light autofocus is pretty bad with the 5D.;-) At least without flash anyway.<br>

Don't get me wrong I loved my 5D for what it could do. Especially when I use a manual focus lens on it.</p>

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