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<p>My first! This is my favorite shot of the wedding - it may not be the technically best one, and not even the one with the best expression, but it somehow speaks to me the most. Nikon D700, ISO 1600, Nikkor 35-70mm at 48mm, f/2.8, 1/80. Natural light.</p><div>00SIfh-107731684.jpg.00af717df5656e313736b7114dbdf174.jpg</div>
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<p>This was taken April 2008, my first year, second wedding! It was taken on the beautiful beach in Grand Cayman. Natural light, Fuji S3 Pro, manual exposure, original file not available for exposure info. Its always a challenge to read your meter in the bright, hot sun with your view finder fogged up from the heat and humidity! I think it turned out!</p><div>00SIpR-107763884.jpg.b402181a2cab15aa1fe59a8deb0f474b.jpg</div>
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<p>2008 was my first year doing Weddings. This pictures is from my very first wedding. My time was up and I was going to leave, but the groom asked me to stay for 30 more minutes because he has a surprise. Sure enough, out comes an Elvis impersonator from Branson, Missouri, and he has his 3 year old mini Elvis with him.</p><div>00SJ1A-107814084.jpg.3732a4dcca08268891fd8e46b9d9cda9.jpg</div>
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<p>First Kiss.<br />My first wedding... my last wedding.... my only wedding (photographing).<br>

I know that I wasn't qualified but they said if I didn't do it that they were going to use a P & S.<br>

2nd year of digital photography<br />Nikon D40 18-200VR lens set at 52mm f6.3 1/160 sec.<br />Some post photo manipulation</p><div>00SJUl-107898484.jpg.ac7d4d089a84e727fe0c2f8f5ca489a4.jpg</div>

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<p>The garden kiss<br>

Immediately after the ceremony, the B&G walked away and I followed them through a garden path which was a private spot away from the guests. As I came around a turn, they stopped and gave each other a huge kiss and I immediately captured this very intimate moment. After sorting the my images, I chose this one since it said it all. The emotion in the bride's face was priceless. I shot this with a Nikon D300 and a Nikon 80-200 f2.8. The camera settings were f3.2, ISO640, 1/500.<br>

This is my second year of doing weddings. I was fortunate enough to do 26 weddings this year. </p><div>00SJVg-107900284.jpg.5fce41642bf28baa271bc9651c01f438.jpg</div>

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<p>Second wedding, first year shooting. 70-200mm lens at 200mm. F 4.5, shutter 1000. I was curious what was happening behind me as I was shooting family shots after the service, swung around and found this.</p><div>00SJVu-107900684.jpg.679ec07128ef75c515aab926e185df39.jpg</div>
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<p>I never thought I'd find myself doing wedding photography. It has all been totally unplanned. And now, after shooting about 6 weddings over the past couple of years, it has really started to grow on me. I love shooting in black and white (strong shapes and lines), I love the spontaneous nature of the event, the documentary aspect, the beautiful brides, the beautiful locations, the strong emotions, the pressure, the quick pace, the good food, etc.<br>

This image was shot with the a rented 85L on an Canon XTi. 1/100 @ f/1.2 and 800 ISO</p>

<p> </p><div>00SJZS-107913784.jpg.85a6584e5fcd51c36f71489a9b01c15d.jpg</div>

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<p>At long last, after rummaging through many, many pictures, I've chosen this one. This was my second year as wedding photographer, and the image was captured likely around wedding #5 of 2008.<br>

Nikon D80 w/18-70<br>

ISO 100<br>

70mm <br>



ambient light</p><div>00SJa8-107917584.jpg.fb45a2479806b7a63ac2df5b9ad9a800.jpg</div>

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<p>I've been photographing weddings for about a year. This was from a wedding last June where I was second shooting. I was with the bride and her mom & sisters just before the ceremony. As they were about to head out, mom opened the door, and the bride turned and took one last look in the mirror.</p>

<p><em>Canon 20D Manual 1/1000th f/2.8 ISO 1600 17mm (17-55mm)</em></p>

<p><img src="http://www.sarahkangphotography.com/pnet/brideDoorway.jpg" alt="" width="333" height="500" /><br>

<strong>One last check</strong></p>


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<p><strong><em>Running<br /><br /></em></strong>Canon 30D, 1/40, f/4, iso 250, Canon 24-105mm f/4 IS, flash 430.<br />Stealing the bride from the ceremony. His brother and a few guys armed with paintball guns and masks, took the bride form the restaurant and ran out of the city, at a non stop coffe bar. Here there is a tradition in doing that.<br />No one was hurt during the shot.<br>

I am a second wedding photographer and it is the first year doing photos at weddings. At this wedding I was the only photographer and I always keep my eyes on the b&g, trying to catch beautiful moments for they. Is a lot of fun, running with this guys and the bride. When we come back the guys request in the front of everybody a little funny punishment for bridegroom if he what his bride next to him.<br>

The shoot was taken in the running car, with flash bounceing in the roof of the car, at 24mm (~39mm) and trying to catch the moment.</p><div>00SJcL-107929684.jpg.745b634b335b5803a71808dc6a9ac4fc.jpg</div>

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