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Hasselblad EL/M mirror problem and more ( ELM ) - always stays up


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<p>I just received my new batch of 'blad items. One of those is an ELM body. When everything was going OK with other items & lenses, I noticed, ELM does not fire at all. <br>

It was in a half cycle or so, because the second curtain was open and mirror was up.<br>

I checked battery (it is 9V adapter with battery) fuse etc. Everything was fine.<br>

Then I did the unjam trick by using the unjam screw driver. It helped and mirror came down and second curtain closed.<br>

However, after I press the shutter, everything went fine, camera fired, lens shutter fired but at the end of the cycle, mirror did not came down and second curtain did not close. Mirror act as it is coming down, comes halfway down but goes up again.<br>

Now camera is acting like that, (similar to S mode as far as I understand from the user manual, but I operate it at O mode.) it fires but mirror does not go down at any mode, any setting.<br>

If you use unjam screw driver and turn the screw, it brings back the mirro down but again as soon as I fired the camera mirror goes up and never returns.<br>

First I though broken spring or something but, since when I use the unjam screw driver, the mirror goes down and stays down till the next firing, it seems like something did not complete the full cycle or camera can not get into O setting from S and I need to reset the camera or something.<br>

One more thing I noticed, I can make the dial stay at S setting, It stops every other setting A, AS, O, SR but it does not stay at S.<br>

And last data point is, the back can not be mounted because the gear mechanism which advances film by engaging to back gears is not flat. (I will be posting pictures shortly.)</p>

<p>Has anyody seen this problem before?<br>

Any suggestions?</p>

<p> </p><div>00SCAf-106254084.JPG.fdd094983ea06fdc712c072f8d7cbde8.JPG</div>

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<p>When you 'unjam' the EL/M, you only 'reset' part of the mechanism. So when you fire the camera again, it will return to the state it was in before you 'unjammed' the thing.<br>

You need to remove the reason why it did not work properly to begin with, i.e. have it repaired.<br>

Probably the reason why it came in a batch of Hasselblad items.</p>

<p>The selector dial should indeed not remain in the "S" position. That's the way it is supposed to be.<br>

If you want to "R"epeat the "S" automatically, you need to put the dial in the "SR" position. ;-)</p>

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<p>The internal switch that cuts off the motor at the end of the cycle is adjustable and has probably become loose. There are two possibilities. It is cutting off the motor too soon so the camera will not completely cycle. Or it continues slightly too long and allows the motor to again release the barn doors, lift the the mirror and just start the filmadvance. Difficult to tell from a photograph. To get at the switch requires some disassembly. This should be not too difficult to have readjusted by a competent repair person. </p>
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<p>Lucas wrote:<br>

"It is cutting off the motor too soon so the camera will not completely cycle. Or it continues slightly too long and allows the motor to again release the barn doors, lift the the mirror and just start the filmadvance."<br>

I thik the latter, because I see that the mirror coming down and goes up again.<br>

Well, I got this one as is along with some lenses I wanted. I checked couple places and repairs go around $175-250. I can buy a replacment from KEH.com or ebay for that money. Therefore, I guess I will give it a try to fix by myself, unless I can find a reasonable price fix place. <br>

Therefore, where can I get a repair manual or ther dteails for the fix you are talking.</p>

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