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<p>If I could get some advice, I am in the process of purchasing my lights. I know I want flash, and I know that their main usage will be on location shooting for maternity and newborns-2yr olds . I know I need them to be as light as possible.( im 5'1 and 120 lbs.!!!) have a fast recycle time, and I would like to stay under $1,000 and what would be my best options? are used lights a good way to go? what w/s is appropriate? thanks for the advice!!!</p>
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<p>Photogentics has some light and cheap lights that take a battery pack that weighs under 3lbs. Someone mentioned this as their choice in here a few days ago-- all the more reason to lurk/read here everyday!! ;-)</p>

<p>For more money, DynaLite and Lumadyne have light and quality portable systems. There's others out there, but for your money and weight considerations, these are the only ones I'm mentioning.</p>

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<p>For on location shoots I say ditch the lights. It's to hard to get set up and try to chase a two year old around with them or make them sit still in front of them. My suggestion is to invest in some fast lenses instead and use natural light in their home. Check out my site http://www.elainemariephotography.net I use all natural light for my maternity,birth,and newborn sessions.Lights have a place if you are going to set up a studio and have the clients come to you but on location I say go natural! When I first starting out, I bought the whole light set up with soft boxes and umbrellas....they are somewhere in my shed.<br /> Elaine</p>
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<p>Hi Vivi,<br>

Tony here. My suggestion is to invest some $$$ in a Canon EF 85mm 1.8. Keep an eye out on e-bay as they usually sell for around $300 used. I've owned 2 and bought them both used. You could consider it's big sister/brother 85mm 1.2L but for the money ($1700+ vs $300) the 1.8 will do you just fine. I've spoken with the guys at Canon and, from all the specs, there doesn't seem to be a $1500 reason to go with the 1.2....unless you're a high level pro, need ultra fast focuing or can invest the extra $1500 without batting an eye. I have a retail studio and love shooting kids wide open at 1.8 from above focusing on their eyes. That lens will give you beautiful results. Click here and take a look at the 3 kids in the middle of the page on the colored backgrounds....what you can't see (since the images are on the smaller side) is how the eyes are in focus and the bokeh (blur) starts around their neck and gradually increases toward their bodies. These were shot in a northern window using a reflector to kick some fill light into the opposite sides of their faces standing on a small stepstool.<br>


They were photographed with the 85 1.8. Cool look! Good luck. I apologize for any type-os. Here is an ebay link for you:</p>


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