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Is it mostly Digital that is being used in fashion photography now?


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<p>Ok I know that some photographers use digital, but is it what most are using now? I currently only use digital. Fashion Advertising is my ultimate goal. I have gotten mixed messages about what is going on now as far as if film is still being used regularly.<br>

I am looking into a summer photography residency program at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. I thought it would be a great experience, but now I see alot of the equiptment that they provide is Film based. Is that worth learning still? I did learn film processing about 5 years ago, but never used it after that. I don't want to waste my time and energy on film if its going to be gone from the fashion industry soon.<br>

Any info about anything related at all, would be really really appreciated.<br>



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<p>Thanks for your answer, I just want to learn what will get me where I want to be the fastest. I am 31, and at a point in my life where I can take my love of photography to the next level. I have learned the film stuff, so I have the appreciation, and I understand the basics, I just want to spend my time on what if relevant to today's market.<br>


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<p>Thanks for your replies! I didn't say I didn't want to work, I just don't see the point of learning and spending alot of time on areas that aren't going to be used in the end. I am 31, not 18, so I am not looking at taking more time than I need to to get the education. I understand the relevance of film, just want to focus on what is being used now. How can that be unreasonable? Thanks for your input.</p>
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<p>the essential thing to learn is..everything.</p>

<p>learn how to use flash, softbox, natural light, how to shoot in brigth sun, in low light condition...</p>

<p>learn how to direct a team, find good assistant fast, makeup artist, stylist..build a good team.</p>

<p>make yourself notice in model agency by making a lot of test shoot, and send your material to magazine everymonth, update your website (not smug smug or flicker..a real web site well design) regularly to show new client that you work a lot, ask magazine to do editorial.</p>

<p>In short, theres no *shortcut*. People will unique talent get in front of the line without asking for it (they are a few bunch only) other work there a** off and appear in all party, lunch, event and get notice, other work like crazy and never hit the big league..</p>

<p>Attitude, personnality, profesionalism are also a thing to mastered in this *artificial* world.</p>

<p>I have been around in the biseness since im 24, as a graphic artist specialized in fashion, move to photo retoucher 8 years ago..at 34 today, im in the major league among the best for the past 2-3years (this is also when i start making real money). Took 10 years of hard work to be recognize, and i have to make sacrifice and hard work to get there...and to stay there everyday because its easy to fall back.</p>

<p>So when you say ".. I just want to learn what will get me where I want to be the fastest..." the fastest could be 10years, and at 41 you could be on top, and that would be normal. If you think you can or if you need to be there faster.. theres no secret</p>

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<p>Thank you Patrick, you've found the right words and kept it short as well - I think I like your visual language as well.<br /> Trisha, keep your vision alive and do not hesitate - Patrick knows what he's talking about although I believe that you can get recognized as fast as it takes for you and there's no such a 10 year sentence. You have to really want it and believe in yourself - your style will develop by itself and who knows, maybe it's exactly what the industry is craving. It can be frustrating at some point (I am myself 10 years in the business and the last 2 as a photographer) but photography cannot be ever! Do never let fashion steal you passion for photography. A good fashion shoot needs a good team (stylist, mahe up , hair, and your casting) the rest is up to you. Go for it;)<br /> Sorry Trisha, I got carried away by Patrick's input - wanna go back to your question:<br /> I can just talk for myself but my the experience told me that most client's want you to shoot digital these days which is not always the best for the atmosphere (everybody is gathering infront of the notebook) but it doesn't really matter if you shoot 60 megapixel, 35mm film, medium format 4 by 5 or polaroid. even 5mp will allow you to take a good shot and it always depends on the usage after. The camera is just your tool helping you to visualize your inspiration. Do not get too caught up in the technical world unless you wanna make your money as a digital operator or shoot car advertising (which is not bad at all)<br /> Good luck!</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Film will never be dead completely ...so its worth learning.. IMHO you need to learn Lighting, Lighting Ratios, Different Set Ups etc. Digital or Film recording of the image should be the least of your .....uhh Focus lol<br>

Bad Lighting and Sloppy technique yields Bad Photos on Velvia 50 or Sandisk Extreme Card.<br>

I switched careers at 40 to be a Photographer ! I am 42 and Making a living at it...I love it and have a thirst for knowledge of all things photography. I bought a 4 x 5 view camera last year and learned more than I could have imagined ! Then again having OCD actually helps !</p>


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  • 4 weeks later...

<p>Some tips I use to produce quality stills.<br>

1 - model selection - flat bone structure under the eyes not deep set or bags, think kate moss!. (model agencies will happily let you test)<br>

2 - makeup - natural dewey with natural lips, gloss, blusher under eye area of cheek. (just had sex look)<br>

3 - hands - watch there open and sitting nicely. (it translates into the eyes)<br>

4 - stylist - colour please black does not fashion photos make. (think french vogue http://www.vogue.fr/)<br>

5 - lighting - copy the best. (michael thompson http://www.jedroot.com/photogr/mt/thompson-fashion.php)<br>

6 - posing - same as above!<br>

7 - medium format digital - you do want to be in this game right?</p>

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