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What hood, and where to find it?

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<p>Hello. Ever since I bought my Leica getup a few months ago I've been on the lookout for a lenshood for my 35 'Cron (version 2, the one with the aperture tab, series 7 filter ring)... But so far, no luck at all. The very helpful people at the local photo suppliers here in Stockholm all tell me my search is going to continue for quite a while... So this leads me to my question, do you fine people agree? Am I doomed to a long, and ardous search for that illusive piece of metal or plastic? I've looked at buying a hood from BHphoto, will that work for my lens, is it metal or plastic? And perhaps most importantly, if I see a listing for a 35mm Leica hood... How do I know it will fit without looking at it?</p>

<p>Thanks beforehand / Morgan A. Malaska.</p>

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<p>I assume you are talking about R lenses.<br>

If the serial # of your lens is less than 2791416, then you need the 12509 hood (which uses the 14172 cap). That hood also fits the Elmarit 35 (II, also series 7), so you may find the appropriate hood listed for two different lenses. </p>

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<p>The book Identifying Leica Lenses by Ghester Sartorius says that the type 2 & 3 35mm Summicrons both take the Leica hood 12585 which also fits the 50 Summicron. It is a relatively common Leica lens hood. I must have had half a dozen of them over the past 40 years. Like everything Leica they go for too much money these days when you find one. I see a few listings that I have no idea if they still exist but they may give you a picture. The moderators won't let the ebay link with the best picture go through. Just google the 12585. You would think you're buying jewelry from the prices. Good luck </p>
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<p>Ah, silly me... I always forget about the R-lenses, I'm looking for hoods for the M Summicrons and the 12585's are the hoods I need - Thanks for the answers, and whoa, you are definatley right about the pricing, cheapest one on Ebay at the moment is $98 (+17 dollar S&H), and I payed $590 for the lens... Luckily, for once Sweden is cheaper, found a 12585 for $47.</p>
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<p>Morgan, if you are talking about the Summicron-M 35 v.II , then the hood is the #12504, that also fits the v.III and the Summilux-M 35 v.II (pre Asph) .<br>

All of this according to the mentioned Sartorius guide, BTW my 1999 ed. has the hood info swapped between versions I and IV 35 Summicrons.</p>

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If you want to use series VII filters then the hood that you need is indeed the <strong>12504</strong> type which is dedicated to the 35mm summircon & summilux of your len's era. The 12585 hood will fit but unless I am seriously mistaken, does not split to accept a filter! Hope this helps!<br>

Regards, Simon</p>

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<p>Ah, Leica accessory shopping is a science in it's own it seems - I've got a nice Leitz uVA filter fitted to my 'cron at the moment, so it looks like the 12504 is for me, luckily the shop that had the 12585 hood in stock has this aswell, the first Swedish shop that has had it's listings numbered... Hopefully that means the guy who runs the place can help me out further - Thanks alot for all the answers folks.<br>


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