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15mm Fisheye on 1.3 crop body.


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<p>My favorite website lately is Flickr.com. If you go to that site and choose the Explore link, then click Camera Finder. Once you get to the camera finder you should be able to find your particular camera. Click on its link. Once that particular camera's page comes up there is a place to search for pictures taken with that camera. On Flickr, people have sort of standardized the tagging of pictures with the lens taken. In the case of Canon lens, lenses are tagged exactly as the Canon website names them. Flickr removes any punctuation, however. So to search for pictures taken with that fisheye lens, type canonef15mmf28fisheye . I hope that helps.</p>
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<p>Wojtek, a diagonal fisheye gives you an alternate geometry from a rectilinear lens that is much better for representing shapes, particularly if there aren't many straight lines in the image. IMO, that makes it a very useful tool, even if you don't get 180 deg from corner to corner. (I'm guessing you'd get about 140 deg from corner to corner, which still isn't bad.)</p>
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