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Canon 1D Mark III Autofocus


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<p>I have been sitting back and waiting to purchase a 1D3 due to the autofocus issues. I was reading around online yesterday and someone mentioned that the newer copies do not have any issue with the autofocus (in AI SERVO). Also, I came to the realization that I will be doing most of my shooting indoors (basketball & Volleyball). Wasn't the focus issue most prevalent under bright sunny skies anyway? Is it safe to buy this <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/#" target="_blank">camera</a> now? (I currently shoot with a 30D & 85/1.8 and looking to get a 50/1.4, too) Thanks, Kenneth.</p>
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<p>Get the body, test it and return/get it adjusted if necessary. You should do it with every piece of equipment anyway, esp. if you expect consistent, repeatable results.<br>

There were relatively few cameras affected by the AF issue and AFAIK these have been fixed. FWIW, in my biased opinion (2x 1D3, 1Ds3) the AF issue was vastly overblown with the number of reports on the 'net exceeding the number of 1D3 camera bodies sold. I can't help but think that there are still people interested in stoking that fire...</p>

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<p>Michael is on point. I also use 1D3 and 1Ds3 (one each). The only differences I have ever noticed are frame rate and file size. Both produce superb images, and I have had -ZERO- AF problems with the 1D3. </p>
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<p>The AF in 1D3 problem is more apparent in long lenses compared to shorter lenses. I've used the camera with my 400mm f/2.8L, and it works like a charm. No problem whatsoever. However, I've seen tracking problem in the 600mm f/4L, which I just bought recently. With this lens, I noticed:</p>

<p>1. If I set C.Funct for it to search, then the lens will search for the background when the camera is panned for a flying bird.</p>

<p>2. If I set C.Funct for the lens not to search, in order to avoid lens hunting, then whenever the bird-in-flight (BIF) is out of focus, it will have a hard time to re-focus.</p>

<p>3. I noticed that I have to engage focusing often in order to have the BIF in focus. This phenonmenon has also been reported by Rob Gabraith.</p>

<p>I think the combination of f/4 and the poor performance of the AF tracking in 1D3 is a problem. Saying this, I have made a comparison to my 400mm f/2.8L lens, which performs much better. The tracking mechanism for the combo 1D3 and 600mm f/4L is REALLY slow, if not sucks! I have set the tracking sensitivity to the 3 options that the camera possibly has: Moderate Slow, Normal, Moderate Fast. Rob Gabraith reported that the tracking sensitivity doesn't work (well,) and I have to agree with that opinion.</p>

<p>I have sucessfully taken several pix with the combo of 1D3 and 400 f/2.8L, and only when I switched to the 600mm f/4L, I'd see the problem. From this, it would be really hard to convince me that I don't know how to use a long lens!</p>

<p>I've have been tweaking the camera settings to find out which setting would work best for this 600mm lens.</p>

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<p>I think that most of the issues with focusing are caused by the lens choice not the AF. I just got a 5DII which many posters say has AF issues. I tried it at a ski race recently and found that while not as good as a 1 series (it has a much slower frame rate) the AF was remarkably good. Ski racing is a difficult subject as the speeds are high is (80-90 kph) the skier is approaching you but has lots of direction changes and the gates can fool the AF. I think that many of the people who report AF problems are using consumer grade glass (slower than F2.8 and withou a USM motor).</p>
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<p>I using 1dMIII about 18months , I have first one in serial. I shot about 65 000frames.<br>

No problems with AI focus, I tried it on WRC, and ather rally competition with 70-200 2,8 IS<br>

I tested it in canon service centr, all ok. So my opinion, maybe were was few models in seria but it was fixed or replaced, i fink it is just Nikon or or other manukaktors marketing trik :) sorry for bad englsh. </p><div>00SAAq-105817884.jpg.a3d026470130905dffb0eeb8c1cf0bd2.jpg</div>

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