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50D noise reduction settings census


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<p>I'd like to take a census of 50D owners as to whether you're using the in camera noise reduction and if so at what level. Answers can be very brief - e.g. Yes, normal</p>

<p>Please don't take it the wrong way, but I'd prefer to hear mostly from experienced or working photographers who have enough background to have a strong basis for having deciding to use this setting and at what level.</p>


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<p>I don't shoot JPEGS with my 50D but the RAW NR defaults in DPP 3.5x are the same and work extremely well. I've monkeyed with them a bit but found the defaults just right.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I am using Photoshop CS4 64bit with the 64bit version of Neat Image v6<br>

Photoshop CS4 updated to Adobe Camera Raw v5.2<br>

I usually select auto profile, then option to fine tune<br>

that has worked very well so far on 50D files</p>

<p>I also tried out Nik Define v2 but Neat Image v6 does a better job with my 50D files</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I find the noise reduction in 50D to be very harsh, you loose a lot of details and sharpness. I took this picture (see picture ID 8243800) and after the crop, the bird had no details on the feathers because of the overpowering noise reduction (set to max though). I have stopped using NR in 50D since, and I use NeatImage to elimitate noise.</p>
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