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FZ-30 or Canon S5IS?

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<p>Both of these "bridge" cameras are considered by many to be the best of their respective flocks; though not the most recently made. I have some experience with the S5, but would like to know, in your opinions, which you would prefer and why. I'm familiar with the stats on both, and have read many reviews. But now it's time to ask those with actual experiences. Thanks for your comments.</p>
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<p>I would have thought that you would be considering the FZ50 with the S5 IS rather than the FZ30 becuase it is better with regard to noise and 400ISO is quite reasonable, 800ISO tolerable, 1600 Yuk :-). I have been with the FZ's since I got the FZ20 although I was considering the S3 IS gainst the FZ3 as a present for my wife and it was ahard choice .. determined by the 'cherry' offered by the respective shops. Neither of us shoot at anything than 100ISO so noise is not a concern with any of the cameras.</p>
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<p>The problem with the FZ-50 is the noise reduction built into the camera. It smears the image so badly that most of the photographs look like paintings, a great loss of detail and sharpness. Although the FZ-30 is noisy, the images are highly detailed and sharp; noise can be controlled through software such as Silkypix.</p>
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<p>Robert,it seems you're never happy with anything you have.Aren't you selling your S5?Seems you thought it was a keeper in Late October.Why do you always need others opinions of the gear you already have.You should be capable of creating your own opinions.</p>
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<p>Robert, have you considered the Fujifilm S100FS? It is an 11 megapixel "bridge" camera with a very sharp Fujinon 28-300 mm f/2.8-5.3 14x zoom lens, very good noise characteristics up to ISO 400, numerous features, film simulation, pc-synch socket, solid build, and highly customizable. Not much it can't shoot, except perhaps very fast pro sports and extreme low light candids. Give it a shot.
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