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POW - Sunday January 11th, 2009


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<p>Some of my favourites:<br>

@Haigs first two landscapes, perfect lighting and a really like the colours and composition<br>

@Justins panorama, stunning as always, but I prefer the notebook writer.<br>

Bobs skier was really an interesting pic, and the vivid colours of Geysir Brook is stunning. Serene and cold. Nice.<br>

@Markus, all are nice but I prefer the composition and light in the house and mouse. Good shadows, maybe a tad to strong but that is being very picky (had to find something). Looks like natural light, so if it is achieved by flash I need your tutorial as well.<br>

@Steve, your pics show how different the ceiling can look just by shooting in different directions. Like them both for different reasons, first one for the peopel and particularily the two kids, the second for the ceiling<br>

@Michael, the abandoned house/store is really nice. Days gone by. Would have been perfect with an old weathered man with pipe sitting on the porch.<br>

@Hin, I think we are at the same stage in the learning curve on using flash. It is something I find quite hard, and I need much more practice to master it. I think your results are quite good, especially the lighting on the daddy looks natural. I agree the daughter pic is a bit flat, but it is all about trying and trying.<br>

Here follows my pics. The first is me trying out some flash portraits of my daughter, experimenting also with bounce, PTTL and opening up for ambient light. This one turned out to be one of the most interesting, and it was when the flash did not fire (did not wait long enough for the recharge). Obviously the picture is quite underexposed and therfore noisy, probably about 3 stops, so the levels have been adjusted. I was sure it was for the recycle bin, when I initially looked at the thumbnails, because it was almost black. <br>

So a malfunction is my POW. (and I really like the SR, it is 1/15th handheld with AF540 mounted)</p>

<p> </p><div>00S4wL-104741984.jpg.5e1c87dc64944e7d1638fb7363a9d1bc.jpg</div>

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<p>Then a couple of Safari Pictures. We went on a short trip to a game reserve about 30 minutes from Durban. There are no predators in this park, so you get quite close to the animals. I think they believe us humans to be quite stupid...<br>

The sky was a bit grey that day so the light wasn't the best, but it was a great day anyway.</p><div>00S4wa-104742184.jpg.6aef1b9306573e9aa0f6af432c7153ab.jpg</div>

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<p>Nice work everyone! My fav's so far are Haig #3, Justin #2, Garry #3, and Bob #2...<br>

<br /><br>

I've just moved again and had very little time for camera so far this year.. Managed to grab it for a short walk the other day...<br>

<br /><br>

Down to the last leaf...<br>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3109/3180490224_ea3a6bd539.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="318" /><br>

<br /><br>

A little berrkeh...<br>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3514/3184785661_96521e3d55.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<br /><br>

Oh, and then for a little fast food the other night too.. ;-)<br>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3531/3175542703_0c522b6a9c.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p >This week I spent some time indoors taking some still life shots.</p>

<p >The first is of some fly fishing equipment. Taken with K20d 15mm fisheye and three flashes </p>

<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/8486167&size=lg">http://www.photo.net/photo/8486167&size=lg</a><a href="../photo/8486401&size=lg"></a></p>

<p > </p>

<p >The next is of a flower my mother received this Christmas using k20d with flashes and blue gel filter<br>

<a href="../photo/8486401&size=lg">http://www.photo.net/photo/8486401&size=lg</a></p>

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<p>Haig--All your shots are lovely; my fave is the second probably for the color, light, and clouds matching the focal length.<br>

Justin--The last B&W shot is so immediate. Nice detail too.<br>

Gary Y--Your last shot has a wonderful tone, and the detail is compelling.<br>

Bob M--Love that X-country skier shot. I'd be doing the same if I lived in your lovely town.<br>

Markus M--Excellent portrait, catchlights, tone, softening is just right, and she looks happy.<br>

John B--Deep Reflection is a very fine photo. The red is perfect.<br>

Maria Mc--Yes, that last one is a great example for the lensbaby. I've got to play with mine more. Nice.<br>

Vegard--Thanks for your kind words. I'll have to photoshop in that old man from another picture!</p>



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<p>Happy New Year guys!! There sure are a wide variety of of wonderful pics this week. Here's my first contributuion for this year. Unfortunately, between the bright moonlight being diffused by some clouds and the DR being simply too much, this was the best I could do with this scene.<br>

Any ideas how I could have shot this better?</p>

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<p>Happy New Year guys!! There sure are a wide variety of of wonderful pics this week. Here's my first contributuion for this year. Unfortunately, between the bright moonlight being diffused by some clouds and the DR being simply too much, this was the best I could do with this scene.<br>

Any ideas how I could have shot this better?</p><div>00S566-104779984.jpg.df57dff400bb6c416de5ea8d6d4bf708.jpg</div>

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<p>Wow some good shots this week.</p>

<p>I usually wait till Wednesday to comment but I'm compelled this week (partially because the last few wednesdays have been busy).</p>

<p>@ Haig, loved the desert shots, looks like it's going to be a good spring wildflower season. I like the moon in the last one, I think that might do best as a black and white.</p>

<p>@ Garry, the sunrise through the grass is my favorite, great lighting and exposure. The ghost rising is a close second. Well done for the effect you were going after.</p>

<p>@ George, I see your going for the Velvia/Lomo look with the digital colors. I think it suits your photography in color.</p>

<p>@ Chune, the duck works for me. Although much better if it was on a plate in front of me.</p>

<p>@ Bob, I love the skier in the frosty window. I would crop the lower panes out and give it an 4x5 or 1X1 perspective. I gotta get up to Saratoga more often, especially in the winter when it's not a zoo!</p>

<p>@ Javier, that is some of the best street shooting you've done yet (that I've seen), and I love the contrast in the images.</p>

<p>@ Hin, you'll figure out the flash eventually. One thing I noticed about your portraits is the eyes appear to be dead, the have very slight catch lights, but overall are dull. I think that would immediately improve them. Skip the P-TTL and just put it in manual, once you figure out manual, see if you can solve P-TTL (all I can say is it's like a math equation with constantly changing constants...good luck figuring it out).</p>

<p>@ ME, I'm glad to see even Seattle gets dreary and becomes a skeleton forest at some point. I never liked that time of the year between fall and snow cover! The idea for the exhibition sounds like a great one though, and a good excuse to shoot some photos during the week.</p>

<p>@ John B, I like the willow leaves and the girl by the river the best.</p>

<p>@ Todd, love the lone leaf. And you guys have all the good fast food out west. I suppose that is a good thing since fast food is bad for you and fewer choices mean less options to eat poorly. But it would be nice to have a choice of more than McDonald's, Wendy's (my favorite because of the Chili, which is actually healthy for you), Taco Bell, and Burger King...that's it. You guys have Jacks, In and Out, White Castle, Del Taco, and many others.</p>

<p>@ Ian, I thought for a second you have the 15mm Limited, I was about to call bloody murder. I like the fly fishing still live, I'm sure Bob Marz would have even more appreciation for it!</p>

<p>@ Maria, never been a fan of the lens baby but the last wedding shot is intriguing. My favorite is the last shot with the girls though.<br>

<br /> @ Nick S, I don't love it but don't hate it. Of course your text reminds me of my wife, often we don't agree on the images, but everyone has significantly different taste, and different things invoke emotion in different people.</p>

<p>@ Lorenzo, not sure there was anything you could have done to improve the scene. The moon is just too bright. Try again on a nother night, or possibly try multiple exposures, although with the moon behind the building that would be very tough without some masking in photoshop to reveal the exposures.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I really love <strong>Markus</strong> ' house of the mouse. It's so cheerful and odd, I keep going back to look at it again. Also his BW portrait!<br>

And the shot of the two girls in their cars (<strong>Matt</strong> ?) is perfect!<br>


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