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When is the best time to buy used?


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<p>I am curious if the used camera market has seasonal fluctuations. Like if you buy a used boat or motorhome in the spring it will typically cost more than if you buy in the fall.</p>

<p>I ask because I am eyeballing an excellent condition used 5D at a local camera shop for $1499. I would sell my 30D kit and EF-S Macro to help finance the upgrade.</p>

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<p>I think the variability in prices set by individuals will swamp any seasonal variability (if it exists). Prices are also influenced by new models coming out (people want to sell their "old" models to get the newest version; lots of supply drives down the cost). $1499 for a used 5D is relatively high, although presumably the camera shop will stand behind it if you have problems or don't like it (unlike purchases from most individuals). </p>
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<p>KEH used 5D bodies in excellent condition start at 1369.00 and their "Like New" end at 1479.00, so 1499.00 may be a little high depending on condition, but certainly not unreasonable for a local retail location. <a href="http://www.keh.com/OnLineStore/ProductList.aspx?Mode=searchproducts&item=0&ActivateTOC2=false&ID=&Size=&BC=DC&BCC=3&CC=2&CCC=1&BCL=&GBC=&GCC=&KW=5d">http://www.keh.com/OnLineStore/ProductList.aspx?Mode=searchproducts&item=0&ActivateTOC2=false&ID=&Size=&BC=DC&BCC=3&CC=2&CCC=1&BCL=&GBC=&GCC=&KW=5d</a></p>
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<p>As many have pointed out, eBay is just an electronic flea market on a vast scale, except that you can see some pattern for long-established vendors. Unlike Mark, I've had few problems in buying in more than 400 transactions. Just look at the vendor's record and feedback.<br>

I too have been looking at the 5D MkI, and I don't think that the full effect of the MkII has yet been seen in the prices. However much supply may have increased, the demand seems to be keeping pace. Just now, the ones offered at >$1500 seem to be going unsold. Prices for bodies seem to be in the $1000 to 1400 range, depending on condition. Very rarely someone gets lucky and gets one for less.</p>

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<p>Just track on Ebay. And listen for the rumors. I am the type who needs the shinny new toys. I carefully follow rumors to resale at the best price to minimize upgrade cost. My 20D, 40D, 5D and Pana Video camera I sold days after the releases of the new models were announced. I sold my 5D for more than I bought it for ($1950 and bought it for $1600 with double rebates). Now the 5D can easily be found on Ebay or CL for $1000 to $1300. Its all about timing and having cash.<br>

Also before Xmas and in a bad economy doesn't hurt. People need money for presents or selling things to make ends meet. If you are in a position not affected badly by the economy now is a good time. I bought two ATVs and a snowmobile each for about 60% of blue book.</p>


<p> </p>

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<p>I concur with a number of the above postings - it really boils down to (a) what you need; (b) what is available; © how much they want for it and (d) what YOU can afford [or at least are willing to spend for the item. Too often in my experience I see "Overpriced" items not sell for long periods - and then some lucky chap (or damsel) picks up the item from a desparate (and frustrated) seller for a song. From my perspective - regardless of KEH/B&H or *-bay - an item is ONLY worth what YOU are willing to pay for it. Or to paraphrase that old Hank Williams Sr. song - "If YOU got the $Money$ Honey - NOW is the time!"<br>

Happy shopping! Derek</p>

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<p>As to timing it depends a lot on whats coming out. As soon as the 50D was announced people where dumping 40D's like crazy. When buying used I do pretty well on Craigslist. I like to inspect the lens before I buy. So far I purchased a 70-200 2.8 that was 1 or 2 years old for $650 and a 10-22 with the hood for $500 and a 50 1.4 for $200 with a really good filter. Just be patient. As to 5D's I have seen them used on CL for around $1200. </p>
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<p>Over the years I have noticed bit of a price lull between January and March on eBay. I know picture taking takes place year round and all over the world but on eBay USA anyway people want to have their equipment bought in the spring so it's ready for summer use.</p>

<p>Traffic on eBay also goes way up leading into Christmas, but not necessarily the best prices, just lots of selection.</p>

<p>The price of the 5D you are looking at is reasonable considering that is a local retailer. Otherwise I highly recommend keh.com, and I too have had phenomenal success with eBay.</p>

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