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music player for my website - recommendations needed

paul swenson

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<p>I'm doing a total redesign on my photo business website. I have one MP3 that I am integrating into the site. Visitors will have the option to play the song if they wish. Don't worry, it is not copyrighted material, it's something my son wrote and recorded.<br>

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone who has integrated music into their site could recommend a player.<br>

Please, I am only looking for technical recommendations here, not opinions on whether I should have music on my site. Thanks in advance for any help.</p>

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<p>Be advised that many poeple find msuci on a website a real pain in the rear. Just do a search on this forum for website critiques and you will see what I mean. Especially if the user is listening to other music. In my opinion it is a big negative to have music on a website. Horses for course, do what you like.</p>
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<p>I have to echo David's comments. When I encounter music on a site, I usually search for the mute button, if I haven't already surfed somewhere else. On a more commercial angle, you are paying for that bandwidth - better to use it for pictures (your business) rather than sound (not your business).</p>
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<p>Don't do it.<br>

How do you know your taste matches theirs? You don't.<br>

What if they are listening to something else when they open your site? Bad impression.<br>

It's often hard to find out how to turn the music off. Irritating.<br>

If you irritate them right away they will have a skewed view of your pictures. You aren't selling music.<br>

It doesn't matter that a lot of people are doing it. Many web designers are just playing at the customer's expense.</p>

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<p>Honestly, if someone can't figure out how to turn site music off or down, maybe they oughta step away from the computer and stop visiting sites all together. Music and sites often go hand in hand, it's a way to put a stamp on your work and your personality. I put the type of music on my site that I do because that's the kind of customer I want to attract.</p>


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<p>Very funny, those of you who couldn't resist telling me not to use music, when I plainly stated I was NOT looking for anything but TECHNICAL advice. I've already read widely on this site the views of those opposed to music on photography sites. <br>

If you wish to visit my site and see how I used "music", please be my guest.<br>

For the record, the music is just one "song" which the visitor has the option of whether to play or not - it does not turn on automatically. In addition, it is a style statement, not musical background. But do I really need to explain all that? Why can't you be respectful of the posters wishes? It's pretty annoying. Although after having researched this topic on photo net I should have known I was asking for it, unsolicited opinions on something I hadn't asked about.</p>

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<p>" unsolicited opinions on something I hadn't asked about"<br>

On the topic of unsolicited opinions, I'll give you one on your website. You have some nice shots in there! But it looks very unprofessional indeed. It looks like an advertisement for a childrens creche. Why on earth have pics of a slide of pizza and of a cat with a word bubble coming out of its mouth. And what's with the moon...? Wow, this site is out there! You call is a business website, but I think you will find many people will not take it seriously. Just my opinion, and as always you are quite entitled to do exactly as you see fit. Good luck.</p>

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