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Full test comparing Zeiss ZE 50mm


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<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>Happy New Year!</p>

<p>I know there have been similar questions asked before, but does anyone know if a full test has been carried out comparing this lens to the various Canon 50mm options and the new Sigma 50mm lens?</p>

<p>I am not really interested in wide open performance. My most common usage is between f4 and f11, so it is resolution, sharpness, flare, distortion and aberrations in this range that I am most interested in. I currently have the 50mm f2.5 CM, so comparisons with that would be especially welcome.</p>

<p>Any subjective comparisons of the lens's 'character' would also be welcome.</p>

<p>Best wishes,</p>


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<p>Precision of focus confirmation at moderate to long distances (say from 10 metres to infinity) would also be important. I have yet to find a lens of this focal length that positively, quickly and precisely locks on using the auto-focus in difficult conditions (i.e. where there is not strong contrast in the subject). I realise the lens is manual focus only, but if the focus confirmation is precise under these conditions, I would consider this an improvement.</p>
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<p>Hi Ed</p>

<p>I haven't seen a full test of the ZE version yet, although the guy at Canon Rumors has the 50mm and 85mm on loan from Zeiss at the moment and has said he will be publishing a review soon.</p>

<p>I am very interested in this lens for the same reasons and usage as you (in fact I remember asking you about your 50 CM at Oakworth last year!)</p>

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<p>I am very impressed with the f2.5CM, so this lens would have to go some to beat it. However, I am open to that possibility! The one area where the CM has let me down is in focus precision, which is rather 'hit and miss' at times...</p>
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<p>To get the full scoop you have to pay, but Lloyd Chambers has extensively reviewed the ZF lineup and the sigma (although not head-to-head). The pay-for review of the ZF line-up has a detailed comparison of the f/2.5CM and the ZF version of the CZ 2/50 makro planar. I think that this is what's closest to what you're looking for that is available currenty.<br>

He also has some remarks and samples from the ZE verison of the 50mm in his free blog at the link below. It appears that the "green dot" doesn't work too well with this lens either.<br>

<a href="http://diglloyd.com/diglloyd/2008-12-blog.html#_20081216ZeissZE50">http://diglloyd.com/diglloyd/2008-12-blog.html#_20081216ZeissZE50</a><a href="http://diglloyd.com/diglloyd/blog.html"></a></p>

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<p>My EF 50/2.5 c.m. on ff sensor is very good only in macro shooting, when everything is sharp just from f/2.5. When I use it as a normal 50 lens I have to close it to at least f/5.6 to get rid of corner softness, the bokeh is not very pleasent. It also misses the focus. So in my case probably Zeiss would be much better for everyday use.</p>
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<p>Hi Bob,</p>

<p>In comparing focusing precision, I am comparing the AF accuracy of AF lenses with the accuracy of focus confirmation with the Zeiss lens. Any information about this would be useful. I thought I had explained that, so apologies if it wasn't clear.</p>


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<p><em>"In comparing focusing precision, I am comparing the AF accuracy of AF lenses with the accuracy of focus confirmation with the Zeiss lens. Any information about this would be useful. I thought I had explained that, so apologies if it wasn't clear."</em></p>


<p>Why not focus the EF 50 2.5 CM manually? For an AF lens, the MF mechanism is above average in smoothness and pitch. I've used the EF 50 2.5 CM since 1994 and, perhaps I'm "old school," but normally use MF for actual macro work as I'm not in a hurry. Sometimes I simply rock back & forth until focus is clear.<br>

<br /> Last year I bought an EF 50 1.2L USM for low light and walkaround and it's AF is considerably better than the EF 50 2.5 CM, 50 1.4 USM and 50 1.8.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestion. Trouble is that I do not find it easy to focus by eye, even with the viewfinder on my 1DSmkii. This can be true in good light, though of course the situations that are most likely to fool the autofocus on the CM are also the worst situations for focusing by eye (i.e. low contrast, dark, etc.). But it can be a problem in any light. I was really hoping that the Zeiss glass would be more precise in these situations (when using focus confirmation of course, as it's manual focus).</p>

<p>Having said that, the focusing is not the only reason I am interested in other possible options. Any improvement in overall optical performance would be useful. I am not 100% certain of the CM when used on distant subjects, though this could just be a focusing issue of course...</p>

<p>As for the 1.2L, apart from its price, tests I have read seem to suggest that it is optically no better (and perhaps worse) than the CM in the f4-f11 range (which is what I mainly use). I am not really interested in a lens that is optimised to be at its best wide open...</p>

<p>So overall, I am interested in the best optical performance in f4-f11 range with subjects from about 10 metres to infinity... That's my main priority. After that, focusing precision (be it through autofocus or focus confirmation with a MF lens) is very important to me. Focusing speed is not so important...</p>

<p>Any further advice with these criteria in mind would be hugely appreciated! I guess I will only be totally certain of what to do when I can evaulate these specific criteria for all available 50mm lenses (f1.2L, f1.4, f1.8, f2.5CM, the Zeiss, the new Sigma offering)...</p>

<p>Best wishes,</p>


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