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Still in the dark about web site


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<p>I'm still deciding as to whether to use SmugMug, BluDomain or Big Black Bag for my Web site. Blu Domain does not return calls, Smug Mug only responds via email. Big Black Bag seems to have good customer service but I'm wondering about their gallery and on-line viewing. I'm a wedding and portrail photographer and will be selling prints and other products as well. More comments/suggestions please and thank you in advance.</p>
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<p>Smugmug may only respond via email, but they are very quick with their responses. I've even gotten responses from lead techs on holidays. I think they all use iphones and respond from wherever they are. Their customer service is absolutely top notch. They also have a user support forum, <a href="http://www.dgrin.com">www.dgrin.com</a>, that is very useful. I customized my site with help from tech support and other users. In most cases I would ask "how do I change..." and I'd get the code to type in from some other user in a matter of minutes.<br>

I think customer service is one of their strong points and one reason I've stuck with them for three years. I also like their print quality and customization options.<br>

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<p>I'm not AT ALL Impressed with big black bag. I think their sites look very amateurish. I have a few friends who used them, and had pretty poor results. I think the best value out there right now is photobiz.com or bludomain.com. I went with photobiz and it was very inexpensive, VERY easy, and customer service was very good...great in fact. If you want to go higher end, you should check photoidentities.com, but their sites are MUCH more expensive. If you go with photobiz, and have questions, please feel free to contact me, and I can help.</p>
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<p>Smugmug is what I went with for the purpose of selling online and for galleries, etc. The ease of use and reputation won out for me. I will still be building my own website in addition to this and both will be connected, but for now my smugmug is already a work in progress.</p>
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<p>I agree with Sam Smugmug is great! Their customer service is outstanding. I get replies back within about 10-15 min of sending a e-mail. If I need it faster or need help with code and/or design you can use the dgrin.com fourm and have a reply within minutes in most cases from other users and smugmug techs! I made my site within a couple days time and the rest has been tweeking! They offer great services as well with the password protected galleries and right click protection. I would highly recommend them.
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<p>love bludomain - they do only email or live chat - everything you need to know about their sites is on their website. I have 3 sites with them and love them - they have awesome tutorials to walk you through the set up and even the most non web person can work with their sites.... blu gets a bad rap for their customer service and my persoanlly belief this has more to do with user error and not will in to read or view the tutrorial then blu - I have a zero issues with my sites...</p>
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<p>I just launched my site from Bludomain yesterday and It was so easy to use. I am in love with it. It has brought me to a whole new level. Check my site out if you want. I purchased two different templates so I could have a different feel for weddings and families.<br>



<blockquote> Moderator note: Website links are not permitted as signatures in posts. Website link removed. Keep your website link in your Photo.net portfolio where you enter your contact information. People can click on your name if they want to see your website. Thanks </blockquote>

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<p>I also recently launched my Bludomain website - I love it too! However, delivery of it was later than promised, they have no phone number to call, and correspondence via e-mail was pretty bad. So, great product but customer service was lacking, as I was warned. But the sites were so nice I decided to risk it, and I don't regret my decision.</p>
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<p>Well, I still haven't made a decision. Big Black Bag is out, Blu Domain does not get back to me and SmugMug is taking a long time to figure out out to put a web site together, afterall, I'm a photographer not a web developer. I'm still looking into PhotoBiz as they do have a special right now. Thanks for all your help! I'll keep you posted.</p>
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<p>Admits to being a website designer<br>

And in my opinion, SmugMug, BluDomain or Big Black Bag sites all look the same. They are boringly templated, and a LOT of photographers use them. You however are a creative professional, and must have "some idea of your own" about what you would really like<br>

<br /> Some of the best sites out there are when a creative professional, starts with a blank bit of paper and designs it from scratch. Clearly a web professional will have a bunch of ideas too, and often the combination of the two will produce an outstanding result<br>

So to re-phrase what I meant... Do you shoot "average same as everyone else" photography, and do you wnat it displayed on a " average same as everyone else" website? and are you happy if your customers percieve you like this?<br>

This isn't a personal dig at you, this is an observation about a so called creative community that more than often really is happy to just be stamped by someone elses mould</p>


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