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Your 2009 FD resolutions?


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<p>I'd like to continue to shoot at least 50% of my images with my FD gear, which is going to be a real challenge since I've picked up an EOS 5D Mark II.</p>

<p>I'm presently having my F-1 and two F-1n's shutters and meters adjusted, so I'd like to shoot more with those classic bodies instead of always reaching for my F-1N's and T90's.</p>

<p>I'd also like to shoot with some of my neglected lenses, such as my FD 300/2.8 L and my TS 35/2.8.</p>

<p>Lastly, I'm excited about the prospect of burning a few rolls of Ektar 100, just to see what all the fuss is about.</p>

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<p>I will pick up a F-1n or a FTb or maybe both. I pretty well have all my bases covered for FD lenes. I have started a collection of M42 lenses that I can use on my A body cameras as well as my Pentax. Picked up a fantastic 500 mm f8 lens M42 that I have a T adaptor that fits all my cameras (OH! except for my Mamiya 645). That needs a good lenses also And I need a better flash AND I got G.A.S. that won't leave just yet.<br>

Now were was I , Oh ya things I need this year ? The only draw back I have for my collecting is LACK OF MONEY !! (reality rears it's ugly head) <br>

Oh ya a film list also. </p>

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<p>Resolution #1 Finish my film inventory (also use my Canon Ps). It's mostly great stuff, Neopan 400 and NPZ 800, maybe two dozen rolls. I'll have to scan, of course, but I have the Nikon and I'll know which frames to look at because I've rarely cared about more than a frame or two per roll.</p>

<p>Resolution #2 Forget selling my F1s and FD lenses. They ain't worth doodly-squat on Ebay. Somebody will be thrilled or annoyed to find them in my clutter, after I'm post-processed.</p>

<p> </p>

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