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pentax 645nii & FA SMC 45-85mm review


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Dear all:


Can someone contribute a review on the Pentax 645Nii, is that any

better than the 645N. What is the quality for the FA SMC 45-85

f/4.5 compare to the FA SMC 45 f/2.8 and 75 f/2.8?





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In regards to comparing the two bodies, I don't think that "better" is necessarily the right word. The NII has additional features; whether you think that's better is up to you and what you plan to do with the camera (i.e., the differences are more evolutionary than revolutionary, IMO). The extra features include MLU and whatnot. You can read about the changes at

<a href="http://www.pentaxusa.com/products/cameras/camera_overview.cfm?productID=15742">Pentax 645NII</a>

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Did someone even used the new Pentax 645Nii and any real human feedback and response beside the Product information?


i'm more interested to have someone sharing their experience with the body and the lens.





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I've used the 645nII for a couple of months now, as well as the 645n, since it was first introduced. I also own the 45-85 FA.


As was mentioned in a previous post, it is only worth getting the 645nII if you want the extra features over the 645n. For me, the improved user interface, improved data recording as well as some of the user changeable custom features made a big difference. MLU is also nice, but I never really saw any problems with slow speeds of the 645n in this regard. I really would have preferred a faster sync speed than 1/60.

Either camera is a top notch performer, as well as the original 645 for that matter.


The 45-85 is super sharp. Optically you would not giving up anything if you used it instead of the primes. AF is a little slower than the primes, as you would expect. It would have to be up to you whether the speed loss of the zoom is important or not.


Hope this helps



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  • 7 months later...

Dear All,


I am also interested in the lens combination/collection for the 645NII system. What is the best combination for the system ?


33mm-55mm + 75mm + 150mm + 400mm or


33mm-55mm + 80mm-160mm + 400mm or


33mm-55mm + 55mm-110mm + 150mm + 400mm


for landscape, portrait and sport all together !


Thanks for your advice.

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