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Deliver prints - Question


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<p>For all your wedding photographers out there, quick question -- if you process your print order from WHCC or other vendor manually, do you meet with your clients to deliver the prints or do you always drop-ship to the clients and charge them the shipping fee incurred by WHCC?<br>

I provide both, but recently found that meeting clients to deliver prints become a hassle. But always charging $7.5 drop-ship fee seems to be a limited option for the client, especially they live just 10 minutes from me.<br>

What do you normally do? Thanks!</p>

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<p>If I was the client and your studio was only 10 minutes away, I'd think rather highly of you for taking the effort to deliver them and generally following up vs. thinking 'gee, he could have delivered them'. I'm from the school of 'under-promise and over-deliver'. It's generally a mistake to think of your customers as a 'hassle'.</p>
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<p>I used to repackage them to make sure the quality, etc. was there, but, since WHCC does such a fantastic job, I just have them drop shipped to the customer. Mainly, not only are my clients busy, but so am I (also, lots of my clients/customers are all over the country). And especially over Christmas, it so much easier for everyone to just have UPS deliver it, no sig required, and there you go. Plus, its hard to beat the excellent packing job they do, along with the free lollipop. I've also had more than several people take the time to comment on how nice the carefully the photos were packed.</p>
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