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Spyder2Express not behaving as expected...need help

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<p>I just switched to a new PC and needed to install and run my Spyder2Express calibrator. My monitor is not new. Now that I've installed the Spyder profile, the color of my monitor is awful...totally a pink/red hue. I know that the Spyder installation causes the Spyder profile to become the default. Here are my questions:<br>

How do I switch it to NOT be the default?<br>

Is there anything I can do to get the calibration (with Spyder) to be better (there are no "custom" settings as it calibrates, since this is the "economy" version of Spyder)?<br>

I loved the calibration when I used it on my old PC...worked like a charm and colors were true. Why is it so awful now? The insall is pretty straight-forward, so I'm not sure what could have changed. I am now running Vista and had to download a new installer from ColorVision...could this be the problem?<br>

I see lots of other profiles in the Drivers folder. Are any of them worth using, in the event that Spyder can't be corrected? <br>



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<p>You are not alone. I have the Spyder3Pro and am not happy with the results either. I have only a slight green hue (even on the provided test images), but nevertheless I do not like that. I also could not figure out how to NOT use the Spyder profile. So I de-installed the software, deleted the profiles it created, and got back my old uncalibrated monitor. It works well on many graphic cards, but mine seems to be an exception. I only kept one profile for my internal notebook monitor.</p>
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<p>huge question-have you removed the adobe gamma loader from the startup folder? if you have not it will override ANY calibration software. if left in AND calibrated the nresults could be anything. see below.</p>

<p >if you already did the following before calibration ignore. This is for windows xp.</p>

<p >before calibration- right click on start/explore. then look at user names, you will probably have administrator and yours and default and all and ???. go to startmenu/programs/startup. click on startup-look at right half of screen(window). is adobe gamma loader there? if yes, right click drag and hold and drag to desktop. make folder on desktop called startup to put that icon in. you can also drag any other icons that you do not wish to have starting on startup out as well. do this for ALL user names, you could have startup folders in each one, and you do not know which startup folder the loader is in.</p>

<p >adobe gamma loader overrides any calibration. you should do the above before any calibration. if you did it now redo calibration. i assume you set the monitor to the requires specs as stated in your calibration instructions before you did any calibrating.</p>

<p >you should also check msconfig. there could be an entry for the loader there.</p>


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