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Price for a nFD 85mm 1.2L


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<p>Hi all,<br>

This is my first post here. Since about 75% of my google questions directed me to this forum I thought it was good to sign myself up.<br />And here is my first question.<br>

I just came across a nFD 85 f1.2L for sale on a website and am very tempted to buy this beauty. I would like to know what's a reasonable price for this lens. There are no images of the glass, so I have to ask for some before I make an offer, but the lensbody looks like new.<br /><br />Hope you can help me.<br>


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<p>Jeroen, welcome on board! Not sure whether you are in the U.S or not. I´m in Germany, and often find that prices of FD gear here are a bit higher than in the U.S. Depending on dollar to euro conversion rates of course, which have see-sawed quite a bit this year. Let us know how you get on...I´m envious!</p>
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